Even more pics… what can I say, I’m bored.

Above: Mike and I at Penner Ash Winery today.

Below: Mike’s Mom get’s a lick from Katey while his Dad laughs.

Below: One of our many halloween decorations


Below: Mike’s Mom and Dad at Penner Ash (You would never guess Mike’s dad is 78 years old! The guy never ages!!!)




Below: Mike’s parents and myself tasting at Bergstom Winery


Below: Our car with the Oregon wine country in the background


Below: Our kitchen

Below: This was my birthday party last July 13th.. we where setting up.

Below: More booze for my birthday party.

Below: Me opening my birthday gift from Mike (a beautiful Joe Macca painting)…notice this was just before I started working out.


Below: One of our guest bedrooms, known as the Yellow Room


Below: Lillies from our garden on our dining room table.

Below: Our dining room.

Below: Living room

Below: Living room, different angle.

Below: yet another angle.


Below: Mike has lost his mind with the Hermes.  We where in Cielo and they are selling the boxes (empty) for $60!

Below: This was from awhile back, this is the new color of the hall.  The paintings hadn’t all been rehung yet.

Below: Kate-mo.

Below: Yes, those are real orchids.  Our master bathroom.  The mixture of sunlight and humidity from the shower makes them florish.

Below: Another close up shot.

Below: Dresser in our bedroom.  Check out the view!

Below: Bird’s eye view of our living room.



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You are such elegant men! I love all of it. It’s fun to look at your things. More! More!

October 6, 2007

Wow, you just may have the awesomest house ever. I’m seriously jealous. My furniture consists of a card table, a desk, some folding chairs, and a mattress. It makes me sad.

wow your house is awesome!

October 6, 2007

You have wonderful style. I love the paiting in the last picture. I’ve yet to hang any yet, I can’t seem to find anything I like… You seem to have my same affliction as well, having everything out on the kitchen bench.

When I run out of credit to pay my rent and get evicted, can I sleep on your floor?

October 6, 2007

speaking of pics, i love your current profile pic.

October 7, 2007

that kitchen is orgasmic. I love the wheels on the X3, my favorite X3 wheels. Sport Package, I see…

Gorgeous!!! M.

October 7, 2007

Wow nice house!

October 7, 2007

Looks like pages out of a Pottery Barn catalog 😉

October 7, 2007

Wow, everything is fabulous!…. What a great place to call home.

October 7, 2007

Are you kidding? Scrumptious place! And…do you guys wear the same glasses? 🙂

October 8, 2007

So love the pic entries. You and your sweetie are absolutely adorable. I am NOT happy with you, though, that you were in my town and you didn’t even BOTHER to invite me to get drunk – er, I mean, taste wine with you.

October 8, 2007

Great photo entry!!! You and Mike are SO adorable and CUTE!!! And wow, cannot get over how young his father looks. Really hard to believe that man is pushing 80! LOVE LOVE LOVE your house. It’s so warm and elegant. You’re living my fantasy life – hot mate, hot house and lots of champagne parties! xoxo,

how did I miss this entry? am i gonna sound gay if I say I love your house!

I know we just met & all…but I’m movin in! OMG, your home is GORGEOUS & exactly how I’d decorate it. You guys have amazing taste!