10 things…

… that you probably didn’t know about me.


  1. I have a cousin who plays major league baseball.  He’s a pitcher for the Phillies. Next time they play the Marlins I will have to get tickets.
  2. I am starting to be known as the guy the organizes every event.  At Jim’s funeral yesterday I had several people walk up to me and thank me for putting on such a beautiful service.  I had nothing to do with it.
  3. Tonight we are celebrating Jim’s life with a big dinner for all of the employees.  Yes, I did organize it.
  4. My hair is so thick that when it grows out it’s a big white boy afro.  It’s so thick that the hair won’t lay down, and this is why I always have super short hair.
  5. I was once asked to father a child.  It scared the shit out of me.  I don’t want another one of me walking around.  My genes are just to fucked up.
  6. I can’t cry.  Like I really can’t.  I don’t know what it is, but the last time I cried was over a year ago when my mom told me she was divorcing my dad.  I’m a little bit dead inside.
  7. I love to drive fast.  As fast as I can. 
  8. I should of been a automotive journalist.  That to me would be the fucking coolest profession in the world.
  9. I’m getting burned out.
  10. I miss Mike.  He’s on a business trip.
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February 21, 2008

ooooo afro. How cute! Get yourself some thinning scissors!

Lets see the afro hair. Let us be the judge. I wish SO bad I couldn’t cry. I’m such a huge freakin baby I can’t stand it! Tears are for wimps. I think everyone here can agree, you have fantastic taste, that’s why everyone thinks you organize the good stuff. Even if it is a funeral. šŸ™

February 21, 2008

I cried a few weeks ago when I found out that my sister was pregnant. The last time before that was probably almost a decade ago. I just don’t cry when I feel sad, but I do sometimes cry when I’m happy.

February 22, 2008

I’m so gay, I cry a musicals — even happy ones! (Is there any other kind?) Yet then at important things (like funerals) I can’t even shed a tear. I just go numb inside. Go figure. Cheers!

February 22, 2008

i wanna see pics of the white boy afro!

February 24, 2008

Hey I think you could be an automotive journalist. Great idea. I saw the new Portland Monthly and you guys are the first people quoted in the article.