
I’m new here but I’m not new here.

I have an old diary here I could reclaim but I haven’t. I think it would be too painful to sift through. That was years ago, and it held 13 years of my life in it. And besides, I want to remain as anonymous as possible because that’s how this works best for me. I write, I shut the laptop, I forget. Rinse, lather, repeat.

Writing has been the constant, but I sometimes forget how. I’ve set up camp at various posts on the internet since my OG OD days and I haven’t stuck around any of them. It gets hard to face myself over time. I uproot, flee easily.

I guess I’m having another one of my famous breakdowns. Heartsick over someone who’s wrong for me but who I can’t stop thinking about, even though it’s been two months since we ended it for good. Lost in the culture of a new workplace that doesn’t feel like the right fit (will any job ever feel like the right fit?) A new diagnosis I’m grappling with. Last year I felt like I was on top of the world and this year I have slowly crumbled.

We’re all slowly crumbling, of course.

All I want to do is write a damn poem but I can’t, because all of my poems were about him. I hadn’t written in years and then suddenly I was churning out poem after poem, he was my muse. And he sucked. He was just awful to me and for me. I don’t know why I’m missing him so much. I have to keep catching myself, reminding myself how he treated me, how it would never work.

The days are shorter and most days I don’t leave the house. COVID is exploding in my city right now so I’ve ceased all contact with those that were previously in my COVID bubble. The new job eats 9+ hours of each day and I feel exhausted by the end. I can barely keep up basic text check-ins with friends. I’m disappearing. Not going on walks. Not listening to music. No appetite. I live in silence.

Every day I put off sleeping as long as I can bear it because sleep means another morning to wake up to.

I haven’t been this depressed since I was a kid. So yeah, I think writing again will be good.



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November 29, 2020

Welcome back, this is same diary I reclaimed and I was glad I could had meaningful memories. The glad thing I understand I haven’t allowed myself to write. I know what you mean with the guy, even though he didn’t treat you right and wasn’t right doesn’t mean you didn’t love him or still due.

February 6, 2021

@sweetie04 Thank you. 🙂

November 30, 2020

Sorry. My world is crumbling and when I first read your entry, I thought it was one of my own. I’ll be your cheerleader. I’m not the greatest affair partner but I’m a pretty good friend. Feeling ya.

February 6, 2021

@kaleidoscope-eyes Thank you. 🙂 I’m sorry you feel like your world is crumbling too.

December 6, 2020

I didn’t have the opportunity to reclaim my old OD. I guess I deleted it when I left here in my huge hurry back some 10 plus years ago. I’m sort of glad I don’t have it though. Those were depressing times and I’m glad that I survived them and learned from them. Welcome back to OD.

December 8, 2020

Write a poem woman!

You can do it.


February 6, 2021

@pennocking Ha, I’ll try!

Hi there, I’m Sammy, you can talk to me if you want. 🙂

February 6, 2021

@zombieinfusedtea Hey Sammy. Thanks. 🙂