The frustrations of monster hunting

It won’t be long before I will be heading to the New Jersey Shore to spend the weekend at the beach and visit some of the seaside amusement parks. My husband, as I figured, has no interest in taking the ferry from Delaware across to Cape May. The plan now is to take the “northern” route there, which will mean crossing Delaware’s big green metal monster. So I will try to take some pictures of that mighty structure on the way out, or on the way back, depending on which of us is driving. I’ve unfortunately not figured out a way to be able to visit the mini-Skyway monster on the way home.  But I think I will continue looking into trying to do that….to be so close and yet so far! But considering the way my husband reacted when I told him I was planning on walking the Bay Bridge this fall, there’s no way I can just say what I want to do! I must have an excuse, which sucks.  Seeking out these sorts of roadway monsters can be difficult, especially when you have a traveling companion (your spouse) who is totally clueless as to not only what you are doing but why. There are indeed things to be said for solo traveling.

This sort of monster hunting is rather difficult, much harder than when I sought out that spooky looking tree as a kid. The biggest hurdle I had to overcome then was my mom demanded that I ask the neighbor across the street if we could cut thru her back yard. That was the only way to access the property where the tree monster lurked, by going thru someone’s yard. We could have cut thru other yards, but that neighbor’s yard was the closest to the tree’s location. My mom – and my step dad – couldn’t understand my fascination with that tree, but then again, neither could I! All I know is something about it was most compelling to me. It was scary, yes, but it was also incredibly interesting.

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