A trio of terror

But this mini Skyway isn’t on my path to and from my destination in New Jersey. It isn’t too far from an alternate path back into Maryland, but I’d still have to detour a few miles to see it. I’ll have to see if I can find an excuse to cross it on the way home. Something to make it worthwhile to go that way and that which will not make my husband suspicious. That’s going to bug the heck out of me in the mean time. I hate when this sort of thing happens. I call it the “cat within” me. Insatiable curiosity tempered by trepidation and caution. Plus, this cat is trying to hide that fascination! I’m creeped out, but at the same time I am drawn to want to venture close to check out this concrete and steel Skyway Bridge doppelganger. Just like with that spooky old tree in the woods across the street when I was a kid. But unlike the tree monster, I would not have to go hunting for this one. Such roadway monsters are easy to find for anyone who can read a map or use a GPS. And I don’t have to fear anything terrible happening like when I was a child, when my imagination was running wild. This downsized Skyway might be rather creepy to cross, but that’s about it. Just knowing that it is modeled after the ultimate diabolical monster bridge, the Sunshine Skyway, which is to a bridge what the Amityville Horror house is to a building, is enough!

Well, it seems I have missed out on something… that Delaware “Skyway-esque” monster isn’t the only one of its kind! There is yet another “sibling”, making for a triple threat of ominous looking bridges that are a chip off of the same blood spattered block. Frankenstein Incorporated created a third monster that has much of the same dreadful design features as the other two. This downsized creepy concrete and steel creation is located not far from Richmond, Virginia. This one is called the Varina-Enon Bridge and is southeast of Richmond. There’s no way (at least not this time) I’d be able to make a detour to go down there when I plan on going to Kings Dominion this fall. It is too far away from that area. Though for some reason I seem to have a very foggy memory of some weird bridge (other than the one in Savannah) the last time I drove that far south on I-95. This lesser monster isn’t on 95 but rather on the 295 Richmond bypass. I have just a flash of an image of encountering something strange on Rt 295 many years ago….but apparently it wasn’t as awe inspiring as the much larger Savannah monster. But if I crossed it, it might have been after my trip to Savannah, so perhaps such an oddity wouldn’t have been as memorable. Or if it was on the trip to Savannah, my mom must not have been that bothered by it, at least not enough to complain.


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