The Madness of March

I don’t pay attention to college basketball, but every March I fall into the madness and fill out a NCAA bracket and compete with the rest of the folks. My son and I started competing against each other when he was in 6th grade or so, when the brackets were printed in the newspaper, and we had to manually keep score.

I expanded the competition to work, again manually keeping track of everyone’s picks and scores. By this time, PCs were in homes, and good old Microsoft Excel took some of the manually out of scoring.

Now, all we have to do is go to the internet, set up groups of competitors, fill out our brackets online, and the internet site does all the work. And the torch has been passed, my 14 year old grandson now runs the team and the boards instead of me.

I’ve watched some of the games and as usual during March Madness, I’ve become a college basketball expert.

This March is also mad, because there is no spring. We had snow last week, which added to our snow pile, and the cold weather has made the snow pile stay high instead of melting. Thank goodness, that the storm crossing the Midwest today is staying well south of Minnesota.

I’m tired of winter.

The day was gloomy with only a few glimmers of sun right at sunset. I did nothing. I was a total slug today. I went to workout and that was my major accomplishment.

Joe made breakfast like he usually does. Joe made dinner, prime rib, potatoes, beans, salad, stir fry veggies, and it was wonderful.

Otherwise, I sat on the couch, watching basketball and reading. Lazy.

I need the sun. I need warmer air. I need to wear something other than sweaters and mittens and boots.

Next Sunday is Easter and I can’t believe it. I pass a church on the way home from workout and today the congregation was lining up in the cold outside up the block from their building holding their palms to recreate the Palm Sunday processional.

The madness should be gone after Easter. It can only get better, right?

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March 24, 2013

The basketball pools are big at my workplace too. I invested ten bucks but I was out pretty much immediately. Still there was a feeling of power filling out the form. Spring will get here. I hope. I believe. Soon?

March 24, 2013

I am really mad at March :-)we are having a blizzard today and its supposed to continue all night. A foot of snow and more.. I long for warm weather…

March 28, 2013

Nearly the end of March now and today has been the first fairly decent day here in Chicago. Decent, but not great. I need the sun desperately too!!!!!

Here we have tons of sun but it is freezing cold until about mid May. Our snow is melting but everyone knows that it can snow until the first of May, it isn’t unusual. It was a huge adjustment when I first came here. When it does get nice nobody is inside. We all go outside and most people camp. You learn to majorly appreciate the moment.