Simple Things

The initial rush of summer heat is gone and it’s been replaced by the Minnesota typical too cool to be comfortable and too warm to be winter weather. The trees continue to leaf out much earlier than usual. The grass is green. My rhubarb is almost totally up. The daylilies are almost a foot tall. There has been no frost since the big March warm-up.

It rained for most of the day today, just a gentle, drought soaking rain. Joe and I took advantage of the rainy day by doing indoor activities like laundry, vacuuming, and rearranging the living room rugs in preparation for the BIG DINNER for Easter tomorrow.

I was overly generous and offered to host Easter dinner for not only my family, but Asher’s girlfriend’s family. Angela is the second youngest of five and the only girl. Her oldest brother is in Arizona, but her other brothers live in the Cities.

Her mother lives here, too. Angela’s parents were crack addicts, so she had a pretty rough childhood. They’re straight now, but divorced. Her father finished his PhD and is living in Thailand.

Her mother, a recovering crack addict, but a severe alcoholic, is brain damaged from the years of chemical abuse. She works and kind of takes care of herself, but her brain is out in left field most of the time. I warned Asher as she gets older, she’ll need more and more support.

So I’m hosting Angela’s three brothers, and maybe their children, Lexi and Alex, along with Angela’s mother.

No one in Angela’s family has a place big enough to host a holiday meal. Asher and Angela hosted Thanksgiving, but that was tight fit. I have a big enough house.

Angela’s family is good to my grandsons and that is what counts for me.

I bought paper plates, cups, and plastic silverware to eliminate the amount of dishes that need to be done. Everyone is bringing food. I’m providing the ham, potatoes, rolls, and the before meal snacks.

I’m not providing wine or alcohol, nor did I ask anyone to bring their own. Joe, Susan, and I will probably be the only sober people in attendance.

Isn’t it sad when people have to drink in order to feel comfortable?

I just tough it out without the booze. If I’m stupid, well, at least I’m a sober stupid.

The best part about today was when Joe and I went to the bank, the drugstore, and then drove over to Minneapolis to pick up BBQ ribs at Ted’s 19th Hole. Then we drove by our respective residences from years long gone by.

We drove downtown to pick up Joe’s mail at the post office. Then we crossed back over the river and on to home.

We chatted, laughed at our inside jokes, and had brief spats over dumb stuff. Isn’t that the best part of being a couple? It’s all the simple day-to-day stuff that binds people together.

One of the benefits of being a widow is that I’m so aware of those simple moments and I’m also very aware that those simple moments could be gone in a flash.

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I would agree that simple things need to be enjoyed. As for drinking, I don’t need to do it to be comfortable.

April 7, 2012

It’s odd how many people need alcohol in certain situations. We rarely drink, and it makes us the “odd” ones at a lot of social events. Happy Easter! I hope you have a wonderful time.

April 7, 2012

Ick, alcohol is such a problem. Once in awhile it’s fun for a night out with friends, but I can’t imagine going to a family function under the influence! Have a great holiday.

April 11, 2012
April 12, 2012

I hope you had a good Easter.I treasure the simple moments with M and the things we can still enjoy together. Makes me think of my favorite Carly Simon song, “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of.”

April 21, 2012

I am not a big drinker – an occasional Bloody Mary or Margarita is fun but just one usually:-)