Running for the Gold

very four years I start thinking that the original people who revitalized the Olympics had a really good idea. Yes, it’s expensive and very political, but I’m one of those super idealistic people who just love to see representatives from most of the countries on our planet get together in a peaceful athletic competition.

I read in the newspaper today that this is the first Olympics where every country has at least one female representative. This is the first Olympics that women are participating in all sports. Women have come so far athletically since I was in high school back in the 70s.

I so enjoy getting to watch this “feel good” event every four years. We find out that people are just people, and we all shit the same way. 🙂

When I was working out this morning, the women’s marathon was on one of the TVs, so I watched while pumping away on the crosstrainer. I used to run regularly, but my mind and body don’t allow for long distances, so I admire the women who are able to run fast and far. It’s so inspiring to me.

There was a bit of a battle towards the end of the marathon. I couldn’t imagine where these women find those hidden reserves to forge ahead at the very end. They’re so tiny and fragile looking, but they can find that kick, at least the elite runners can. With my slow pace, it would take me a week to finish a marathon!

Joe makes breakfast for us on Sundays. I love Sunday breakfasts and reading the paper and just taking my time, not worrying about running off to work.

Joe’s shingle damage is still bothering him. He had shingles across the left side of head and face. I think the shingles damaged the nerves there and he gets periods where he scratches and itches until there are huge scabs and sometimes a bruise will form.

His doctor prescribed vicodin this last time around. I don’t know if it interacts with the other dugs Joe takes, blood pressure medication, Lipitor, an anti-anxiety drug, and some others, but whoa, Joe was a wacko last week. I suspect, too, he might have been over-medicating, although I’m not sure.

Joe’s moods swing rapidly from high to low, but last week, the swings were crazy. Then on Friday night, he got up from bed to go to the bathroom, and then fell on the floor while getting into bed. Joe usually takes the laundry downstairs into the basement for me, and if I wouldn’t have been behind him to catch him under his arms, he would have fallen down the stairs. Finally, he talked in his sleep all last night. He never does that. Towards morning, the bed started shaking, and I thought he was having a seizure, but it was a nightmare.

He stopped taking vicodin on Friday, so I’m not sure if there is a withdrawal period or not. I told him to either call a help line or a pharmacist and discuss some of the symptoms he’s been having. It could be related to the interaction of the all the drugs he’s taking.

I don’t go with him to his doctor, but I can’t help but wonder if the guy is just prescribing pills for the heck of it. Sometimes doctors don’t want to dig deeper or they’re stuck with the scripts the health insurance gives them for treating certain illnesses.

The USA health care system is totally messed up. We are the unhealthiest people in the industrialized world and yet we cling to a system that does not work. I have a $4,000 deductible and I don’t dare go to the doctor, because I can’t afford it. Now does make that any sense?

End of political commentary . . . for now.

Joe seems better today. He’s sleeping a lot, but is able to focus on tasks and he’s not so irritable. I wish I could think of something besides drugs that could alleviate the itching from the shingles damage.

If you’re over 50 years old and have not done so, please get the shingles vaccine. You could still get the shingles, but they’re not supposed to be as bad. One in three people get the shingles. If you’ve had chicken pox as a child, then you’re on the list to get the shingles, as the shingles is the chicken pox virus reactivated. From what I’ve seen from Joe and heard from other people, shingles is absolutely terrible. You don’t want to get them.

Susan, grandsons, and a couple of their friends went to a state park yesterday and we did some archery. I’m trying to get my grandsons out in nature a little bit. They’re so urban. It’s almost like they’re afraid of trees and bushes.

We had a good time. The weather was perfect. The heat wave has finally broken. The air actually feels cool; it’s a nice little precursor to fall.

And that’s golden enough for me.

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August 5, 2012

I love the inclusive nature of the Olympics. Almost everyone can find something they like to watch. I missed the marathon, but I will have to check it out online; most people think it’s boring to watch but there’s so much depth and strategy! Getting to shoot stuff sounds like a good way to lure your grandkids into nature 😉

August 5, 2012

Gorgeous here today. All my doors and windows open-sleeping with no AC tonight. Good idea to get the kids out in nature.

I didn’t know that about shingles. I’ve heard that shingles can be triggered by stress. My sister had them and they were so painful. I am glad I am getting a booster for my little boy. My older children have had chicken pox because the province we were in didn’t believe in giving a vaccination for it.

August 5, 2012

M had shingles in ’82, before her hospitalization for what now seems to be her MS.I think this is the first Olympics I’m missing since I was a kid. No cable-TV (no TV), so nothing to plug in to view any Web videos.Love the archery shot.

August 5, 2012

PS: Re the vicodin & Joe’s mood swings &c — in the 70s I was prescribed Darvocet for pain. I stopped taking it after 3 days because it wasn’t doing the job, and for about 24 hrs afterward I was a mental & physical wreck.