Just For an Instant . . .

Just for an instant the sun was within our reach this morning. It blinded me as I went into the bathroom as I got up this morning. The bathroom faces east and has a corrugated glass window that lets in the light, but doesn’t let in the view either way, so I keep it curtainless.

The sun was blasting through the glass and I covered my eyes. We’ve been steeped in Seattle gloominess this past week and my eyes were like a coal miner’s, terrified of bright lights.

The weather forecast was for rain this morning, and I was so hoping they were wrong. And it seemed that they were . . . the sun shone on and the blue sky held all morning.

I cautiously opened up the windows. I moved my indoor plants that outdoor in the summer outside. Joe and I swept the deck and sidewalks, which were covered with wayward helicopters from oak trees (I think, they could be from elm trees).

I opened up my picnic table umbrella for the first time this spring.

With sun beaming down on us, the whole neighborhood opened up. The grrr of lawnmowers could be heard. People sped by on their bikes. People were walking and running by the house. People were out checking their gardens. It was like an explosion of people who haven’t been seen since last fall.

And as I buzzed around the house vacuuming, I worked up a sweat. Yes, this is summer weather.

The rain continued to hold off until about 2:00 pm. Then it got dark. It got windy. It got chilly. And the people disappeared.

I closed the windows, closed up the umbrella, and watched it rain.

Gloom again. Seattle-like gloom.

We’ve had the worst spring ever – constant rain and clouds and cool air.

The deck looks beautiful and inviting now with all the flowers and plants arranged on it, but forget it, it’s too cool and icky to have a glass of wine out there.

I took advantage of the crappy weather to clean out my office closet. I moved a bunch of scrapbooking stuff downstairs into the large executive desk in the basement. I boxed up stuff to take to Goodwill. And I threw out a bunch of stuff, too.

I paid bills. The IRS finally caught up with me, and asked for the $5,000 back that they had accidently refunded to me. Thank goodness, when I got my massive refund, I realized that the IRS was in error, and did not spend the extra $5,000. So my conscience was clear as I wrote out the check this afternoon.

When I was leaving Target last night after grocery shopping, I heard about six rounds being shot off probably about two blocks away. I haven’t heard that before. It was weird, as I and other customers were walking to our cars and stopped as we heard the shots. We kind of looked at each other and then kept doing what we were doing.
I wasn’t afraid or anything, but it was just weird.

Well, my garden is growing right along, loving the rain, along with the weeds. Maybe we’ll have than another instant of summer someday soon.

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I’ve gotta say, I’m not sad that dinosaurs went extinct! Ah yes, isn’t the buzz of spring wonderful!!

June 20, 2013

We’ve had some gorgeous summer days here recently. Hope you’ve had some too.

June 29, 2013

I think the seeds that do the helicoptering are from maples. How are things? It’s been a while since you’ve written.

July 18, 2013
August 4, 2013

miss reading your entry 🙂