Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s hard to believe that 49 years old ago, President John Kennedy was assassinated. If you were alive, do you remember what you were doing when you heard the news?

I was in third grade and his death was announced over the loudspeaker. For the next several days, my family and I lived in front of the TV (in the pre-CNN days) and watched the events unfold, from Oswald’s arrest to his assassination, to Kennedy’s funeral.

It was a traumatic time for the United States, I’d say comparable to 9/11 in current history.

Well, it’s Thanksgiving Day in Minnesota. We’re looking record highs, we’re close to 60 degrees right now, but we’re going to get slapped in the face with a wicked cold front that will drop snow north of us and give us bone chilling wind and cold. We’ve been spoiled the last few days and I guess it’s time to face reality.

I am thankful for many things. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to keep my financial life together after Ray’s death. I’m able to afford this nice home in this nice neighborhood. I still have my two paid-for vehicles, the flower van and the Volkswagen and they’re in good running shape, knock on wood. My bills are paid on time and my credit is good.

I’m thankful that I have the skills to get a good job. I’m thankful that I was able to find a job so quickly after my last job ended.

I’m thankful that I live in the United States, in spite of all its problems. I can’t imagine living in Afghanistan or Guyana or someplace like that.

I’m thankful I had Ray in my life for 10 years. It wasn’t enough and I’m greedy and want more. I guess one’s life is never enough – we always want to stretch it out just a bit longer. I believe Ray is happy where he is and watches over me as best he can. I’m sure time to him doesn’t mean the same as it does to me – being separated from him seems eternally long, but probably for him, it’s like a second.

I’m glad I have grandchildren and my grandchildren are awesome! The younger one was voted the MVP of his football team. He’s just a great kid who is invited to a birthday party almost every weekend. He loves rocks and space and Dragon Ball Z (dumb show). I’ve been blessed with being able to do lots of activities with him this year – the zoo, swimming, going up north, haunted houses, and the science museum.

The older one was voted MVP of his baseball team last summer. He’s is on the A honor roll, plays two instruments, he’s in the jazz band as well as the regular band, mentors younger kids, plays football and basketball for his school, and now also manages the girls’ basketball team. He’s filling out a college resume without even knowing it.

I’m thankful I have my son in my life. I loved him as a child and it’s really cool to watch him grow and develop as an adult as he finds his way in life. We’re really different, but we respect each other’s points of view. I’m glad he lives close by and we can get together often.

And finally, I’m thankful for Joe. He drives me crazy, but he also holds me up when I’m ready to fall over. He’s not Ray, but he does as best as he can. That’s what Ray taught me, just accept people for who they are, and don’t lay any expectations on them.

Last but not least, I’m thankful I got my new dishwasher and it was installed yesterday! Just in the nick of time! We sure didn’t want to hand wash tons of Thanksgiving dishes!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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November 22, 2012

RYN: Thank you and may you have a wonderful day. I was working. I had a coffee machine route and was servicing the machines at an organ manufacturing plant, when they announced it over the PA system. I stood in disbelief and, then, ran out to my truck and turned on the radio and got verification of the sad news. Be well.

November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! Love the photo.I am thankful for so many things — for online friends and friends IRL, for the comforts of home, for a sturdy car, for work, for M’s love, for my health (knock on wood!).I was in Kindergarten when JFK was assassinated, but I think I had already gotten home from school. I was sitting at the dining table when the news came on the TV.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s weird how it went from being warm to snowing!

November 23, 2012

Glad you had a good thanksgiving & yay for the dishwasher!! ryn: I love the charm of the house, and I’m looking forward to having a fireplace – it’s a gas one, but I think it could be changed back to a wood, but I think the gas will be easier on me. I do wish the kitchen was a little bigger, but am going to make some changes to it, so I think I will enjoy it, it’s better than what I have. >^..^<

November 23, 2012

I hope it was a great day.

November 24, 2012

It was at the end of 5th hour English class-I think I was a sophomore in high school. The let us out of school when they announced his death and we all wandered around-not really knowing what to do. I don’t think any world event will ever affect me as much as that did. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. We had flurries but no accumulation-just cold and windy.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! That picture is SO pretty.