Happy New Year!

The temperature has warmed up from -8 degrees Fahrenheit to 12 degrees above zero. Clouds have moved in and there are little snowflakes dancing to the ground. It’s a pretty winter scene outside my window right now.

Earlier, I looked outside and there were two bald eagles soaring above my home. I have been feeding birds, so I’m wondering if they were looking for a quick snack. I live close to the Mississippi River and maybe the river is frozen a bit with the lower temps and the eagles flew inland to see if they could find any other kind of protein.

Joe and I didn’t do anything special for New Year’s Eve. I’m going to be 58 years old this year. In my life, I’ve had New Year’s Eve parties and went to New Year’s Eve parties. I’ve gone out and hit the clubs. I’ve been drunk and hung over. I’ve stayed up all night and could barely function the next day.

Now, in my old age, we have a nice home cooked dinner, watch a little TV, I had half a glass of wine, and went to bed at 10:30 pm after watching the news.

We woke up at 7:00 am, which is sleeping in for us, feeling good and refreshed and ready to enjoy New Year’s Day.

After breakfast, I did my usual thing of packing away the Christmas stuff. I pack all the doodads in their respective Christmas boxes. I took all the ornaments off the tree and tucked them away. Then Joe helps me pack the fake Christmas tree in its box and haul it down to the basement.

I set out all my non-Christmas knickknacks. Then I stand back and enjoy my bare home.

I also took down some outside lights and pulled out the extension cords on the others. My house goes dark on January 1.

It’s good to have a quiet day after al the holiday craziness before heading back to work tomorrow. It will be good to get back into the normal daily routine again.

And so 2013 begins.

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January 1, 2013

Be well.

January 1, 2013

If 57 is old age, I must be ancient! Have a great new year.

7:00 sleeping in! I’m impressed! I’m always sad to pack away the Christmas stuff. Called Dad on Christmas morning (morning!) and he was already packing his up, hah! ryn: The shoebox thing is organized only at this time of the year but yes, for sure, we could do our own thing, including the distributing of hot drinks etc., anytime. Maybe we’ll do that this winter sometime!!

January 1, 2013

Happy, healthy New Year!

January 1, 2013

My Christmas tree will stay on for a while. Happy New Year.

January 2, 2013

I’m like you…I’m done with Christmas decorations after New Years….ready to start a fresh new year.

January 2, 2013

I can imagine how beautiful your house looked with decorated Christmas items.Now we start the new year with clean slate. 🙂

A quiet New Year’s Eve is always nice.:)

March 16, 2013

Happy Belated New Year to you too !!!