April Showers

Today is my oldest grandson’s birthday. He’s 13 years old. Last week, we went to the Timberwolves basketball game with Oklahoma City. Quincy asked me to buy tickets because that’s what he wanted to do for his birthday. Not so much for the T-wolves, but to see Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook play. Durant is as smooth as silk – he had 43 points.

We had a good time – just the four of us, my son and his sons.

I’m not sure what Quincy is doing today – he’s almost getting too old for birthday parties, but tomorrow everyone is coming over to our house for dinner and after dinner, cake and ice cream.

I got my lawn mowed early this morning. Not too early – I didn’t start until 9:00 am, but I wanted to get it done before the rain moved in. I get all squiggly inside if the grass gets too long. I’m kind of anal about it.

Joe is not a lawn mowing guy, neither was Ray. So Joe cleaned up the kitchen while I mowed. Ray got a used self-propelled lawn mower that he used in the backyard while I mowed the front because he wanted to help me out, not because he loved cutting the grass.

September, Ray’s black cat, finally managed to get around Joe and out the door. He’s been watching birds all winter and he tries to do anything he can to get outside (that’s Ray’s doing, he always let September go outside). While I was mowing the grass, I saw him go under the deck with a bird. Mission accomplished.

After I was done, Joe and I went to Menards and bought dirt and mulch. We took the flower van, my little truck, and we filled it up with that lovely soil. I also bought a couple of lawn chairs to replace the white plastic ones I’ve had for years that now look like crap.

The rain moved in just as we got home. Perfect timing.

It’s so nice to have Joe to go shopping with me. Not that I want him to go shopping with me all the time, for example, I went grocery shopping by myself last night, but I can discuss stuff with him and not be the widow all alone trying to figure things out.

A few weeks ago, my work team went out to lunch together. A couple of women who are married made jokes about how much they dislike their husbands hanging around and that they’re always happy when their husbands are out doing something else.

I laugh with them, but underneath, I can’t imagine feeling that way. Even when Ray was alive, I didn’t make jokes about him. I loved and respected him so much, the last thing I could do was put him down.

And you never know. A car accident, a fall, or a sudden serious illness could take a spouse away in an instant and that’s it. There are no more jokes about disliking them around, because they’re NOT around anymore.

And there’s nothing but a long lonely dark tunnel ahead. Ugh.

But women who are not widows don’t understand. Sure, they kind of know that their husband might go before them, or like me, I kind of thought that Ray and I would go together in the future, but until it happens, I just sort of thought it was not a big deal, that life would go on.

And it does, but it’s not a super great life, because the life with the husband hanging around being annoying is a much better one.

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April 21, 2012

You are so right. This made me think … I am sorry…

It’s always nice to get out and do yardwork in the Spring. What you say about the husband comment really made me think too. I’m sure I’ve said before what your coworkers have said. It is something you begin to take for granted (that they’ll be with you forever). I do understand your thinking on this after having gone thru what you have. Definitely something for me to keep in mind.

RYN: Oh NO! That’d be terrible. I know how embarrassed I was, but can’t imagine having something like that happening.

Nicely put!! Lovely violets. I feel like cutting lawns like you do about putting hubby’s down. Be glad you got one! 😀 Ohhhhhh how I’d love a lawn to cut. ryn: Ha… it doesn’t mean I’m better than you, but it might mean my family is easier to get along with than yours. 🙂

April 21, 2012

“I get all squiggly inside if the grass gets too long” Getting squiggly inside is such a funny but informative way to put it! haha. I guess some people just like to complain. Maybe someday they will understand how lucky they are.

April 21, 2012

Gorgeous photo!I know that squiggly feeling, but I get it when the grass/weeds reach a height that tells me I’d better do something before I get a warning letter. :-)I agree with lifeonacitybusem4 — some people just like to complain…Happy birthday, Quincy!

I think that women put on a front, acting tough in front of each other, but down deep they don’t feel the same way. Like you, I have great respect for my husband, and appreciate him. I do like solitude as well, but I do not say unkind things about him. I respect him too much for that.

April 22, 2012

The only man that ever wanted to go shopping with me was my son…so I could buy him stuff! LOL

April 23, 2012

Must had been nice hanging out with your son and gsons. Your last sentence speaks volume to me. Thanks.