Haarlem Line
7:07am and I’m on the 5:55am Harlem Line train from Grand Central Terminal to New Haven. Two hour train ride and it seems like there is a stop every three minutes. It’s still dark out which is kind of depressing. I prefer the Hudson Line, traveling upstate with the River on my right. The Hudson will always be "The River" to me, just like New York will always be "The City." It’s Halloween morning but I’m up way too early, and home too late to celebrate much. It’s one of my favorite holidays but haven’t gone all-out for years. Always too close to the Marathon, or the storm last year, but I’m hopeful for next year.
Last week was my annual work hell week, I was gone all week and working around the clock but got through well enough and am now headed into the home stretch. Friday night I got home around 10pm and S had put up a new wall while I was away. The brick by the windows was a little too weathered to keep exposed, but he took a stab at exposing one of the other walls and the brick there looks great, especially for it being 150 years old. Fingers crossed that it all looks like that! Unpacked, washed up, and I crashed until morning.
On Saturday I woke up at 6am (forgot to switch off alarm), then at 11am, then woke again at 2pm, ate a toasted bagel and went back to sleep until 9pm. Went out to grab dinner and then back to sleep. Sunday morning we went to Central Park for a 5 mile run. Sadly I haven’t run more than 3 miles in ages, but it felt okay and I figure I can do that 5 times if I really need to. After the run we took the train down to Home Depot and stopped in at Dunkin’ Donuts before picking up some stuff S needed. Shamefully we were THAT couple in Home Depot in workout clothes, clutching coffee on a weekend morning. At least it wasn’t Whole Foods I guess. We walked home and I read in bed all day while S did work on the house, napping intermittently. For anyone looking for a good book, "Burial Rites" by Hannah Kent was my favorite of this batch.
Monday was hectic and I went home at a decent hour but then was up until 3am working remotely. Bah. Early to work on Tuesday, then bed by 9pm. Slept in a bit yesterday then went in to work, worked until around 6pm then met S for wine, snacks and a photography archives tour at the Library. It was kind of amazing – the NYPL’s collection is fantastic. Walked to Artisanal after, had fondue dinner, then walked home.
Up at the crack of dawn today but made the train and finally the sun is coming up. It’s not bright yet but I think it will be.
Congrats on getting through hell week! Hope you get some good downtime in soon!
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It’s ok, you are permitted to be “that couple” from time to time. I still like you. RYN: Glad you like the beekeeper idea! Been sitting on that for a while. Sexy costumes are out of control. Last year, I thought they peaked at “sexy humburger”, but this year, I see “sexy muppet”
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Yes, Whole Foods would be worse
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Nice re: the exposed brick wall! That’s impressive that he can do it himself.
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Ryn: yes! I’ve never seen the show, but my lifestyle magazine editor friend said it’ll be awesome.
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When people here call SF The City, it really makes me cringe.
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Arrgghh, I have the hardest time getting into your diary. RYN: *sigh* spelling. Most of the words he is already very familiar with and knows immediately. There are usually a few that he has not encountered often. They are introduced throughout the week but 1st graders are more focused on being able to read them than spell them. And I can’t wait until Orion can do his homework alone. I dream of it. The rumor is 3rd grade.
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I hope we get to see pics of the remodel!
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I really hope you get lots of rest, now. Working around the clock sounds awful.
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Glad your hell week is over! Too bad it had to interfere with Halloween, I’m sure you would have come up with an awesome costume. I absolutely hate going to Home Depot. When Darren makes me go with him, it reminds me of being a kid and having my parents drag me out to furniture stores (“Ohgod, this is so borrrrring! Can we go now?! Can I go wait in the car?”)
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Whenever I think of Whole Foods, I think of this awesome song: http://youtu.be/2UFc1pr2yUU
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we are “that” couple just about every weekend. . . glad the chaos is over
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AAAAAH EXPOSED BRICK! Isn’t it amazing, and superbly hot, to watch your love tearing things up and making some house magic happen? Because delicious.
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RYN: I need to go to that restaurant immediately!
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I l
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Oops for above, dang phone. Would love a lazy day like that.
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This might be one of my favorite Buzzfeed posts ever and I thought you might find it as hilarious as I do: http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/someone-needs-to-tell-martha-stewart-her-food-tweets-are-dis?bffb
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Aw. No worries, we were running around like mad. Snow got on my nerves with her endless Mr. K obsession. I actually enjoyed, even prefer shopping solo. I wish I had seen a Broadway play and gotten to go to Letterman or Fallon but oh well.
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Ryn: I plan to hold on to the place in the suburbs, it’s super easy to rent out and maintain. It’s not a matter of money really… More like, do we hold out so we can actually get a reasonably sized bedroom? I’m not even 100% sure a queen would fit. We’d love to get rid of our full size
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you always amaze me with your ambition and power! xo
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I love that he put a wall up whilst you were away! And dont worry – we have all been “those people” at one stage or another, at least your is productive. Mine is usually “that” girl, drunk at 3am stuffing her face with a chicken burger. hot. I can’t wait to see NY through your eyes one day – I have to get my butt over there. I love how you love the “city” x
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