4 Years in the Making
So four years has passed and I find myself here again, typing the URL to a website that was still somewhere within my muscle memory. While it feels strange to be here, it’s also a comfortable sense of familiarity.
I used to write over at the former OD site with the same name. Most of my entries were related to my life in Australia, becoming a parent as the result of IVF and my career as a preschool teacher.
Since the OD days ended, I mostly write over at Prosebox (find me here: https://www.prosebox.net/box/116/) and my life has changed in the most unexpected of ways. I no longer work as a teacher, as I’m at home full-time with my FOUR children. A couple of months after OD folded, I was pregnant again as the result of IVF and gave birth to identical twin boys (December 2014). They were born very early at 30 weeks gestation and it was a very scary and confronting time for me, long hospital stays for our boys and I ended up suffering with PND as a result. This shaped a lot of the person that I am now, and I grew up a great deal. Our family was done, I moved into a recovery phase and we moved forward together… until my twins were 16 months old (June 2016) and – surprise – I had fallen pregnant naturally. Our family plot twist ended up being a little girl, and she was born in February 2017.
My children are now 6, 3, 3 and 11 months.
Life is extremely busy, my twins could have novels written about their cheekiness and my baby girl is a pretty awesome person.
Looking forward to reconnecting with the lives of some of the friends I left behind on the old website, and getting to know some new faces. xx
Welcome back, I hope you will find it comfortable here again!
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Welcome back! I was so excited to see your name pop up this morning
@smilesandsunshine Hooray! A familiar face!
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I bet your children are just adorable. I also bet you are a wonderful mother. So nice to see you here! I hope you will meet up with many of your old Open Diary friends. That’s what I’m hoping for too.
@wildrose_2 Thank you, I try my best (most of the time ;P). Good luck finding your former OD friends too.
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Welcome back!
@kellzbellz Thank you! :))
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So glad you’re here!
@almostallgrowdup I’m glad to see you here too! Are you going to stay here or cross-post?
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Another fave! It really feels like home here. I am glad it’s back!
@uncertaintragedy *waves hello!*
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Have missed reading about your life, I hope you stay around ????
@collette I’ll see what happens, I don’t think I can guarantee anything just yet – will see how this month goes and how much I utilise the site!
I enjoy reading your IG posts, so hopefully you’re writing on here too.
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Welcome back!
Woohoo to seeing old favourites again, in our old stomping ground!
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I still don’t know how you do it. You are an amazing woman!
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It’s great to ‘see’ you here. I’m testing out the waters.
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I came back as well!
I’ve added you
(Well requested!) 
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Glad to see you here!
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I used to follow you! Just searched you – happy to know you used the same username. Everyone else I used to know… no such luck. I wonder how many people know OD is back. Hmm.
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