
I’m posting from my Kindle Fire and I’m installing Win10 for Michelle. Her computer needed fixing… And I am the girl for the job.
How are my beauties these days? You aren’t all hens so but you are beautiful. I am sweating buckets. It is ridiculously out.
Anyways, I will play the Sims later…
Are you the tech person in the house? Good to hear from you
@heffay Aye so Jeffy
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It’s getting hot here too it 86 and I hate it…..I told hubby I am going to rent space near the freezer section at the grocery store and stay there for the summer.
@jaythesmartone lmao
@jaythesmartone Get an air conditioner or 2. They help alot!
@mamaqueenie518 I agree!
@mamaqueenie518 I have one, it just needed adjusting..
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I hope it’s cooled down a bit for you.
@justamillennial Outside no. Inside yes.
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