Spotify and me…

I happen to like Spotify, a lot actually. It frees up a shit ton of space on my tablet, and I have taken to waking up Bees to her favorite — ZZTop’s Sharp Dressed Man. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

I might go back to sleep. Stupid B and her fucking radio all night. 🙁 Julz tells me that Dave’s hydro bill is going to be sky high if she does this all the time. I know this. 🙁

Ah well, a minor blip in the fabric of my life. 

I need to visit the loo. I have Elton John’s Nikita in my head. That and Daniel are my two favorite songs by John. 🙂

Today is Saturday and y’all know what that means, Ozempic and computer maintenance. 🙂 

I wish that a lot of people could understand Tourette’s Syndrome. I mean, it ain’t that bloody hard is it? READ A FUCKING BOOK PEOPLE. But then, again, I’m totally used to their ignorance. Ignorance is bliss you know?

C is trying to make my life a living hell. She keeps PURPOSELY banging into me or, doing shite that pisses me off… I am beginning to really just want to tell her off SO badly. MF.


I’m grumpy. I need more sleep.


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July 18, 2020

What is something you would like people to know about Tourette’s Syndrome?

July 20, 2020

@heffay That we can’t help cussing… Or making tics… Mostly the sweating though.

July 20, 2020

Swearing.. Damn autocorrect…

July 21, 2020

@sammybaby Oh, I was going to say that I didn’t know anything about a sweating issue. But yeah, gotcha.

July 21, 2020
July 29, 2020

I wish that people would understand different disabilities as well. People should find out more about disabilities rather than being quick to judge.

July 29, 2020