Good morning people!

I woke up rather late today… considering the night I had. Yupp… back to the good ol’ classic punk featured image — the Sex Pistols!!
I told C off today about bumping into me… and being rude. Don’t think she listened or cared … but that is why we call these types of individuals ‘tosser bitches’… amirite?
I gotta do my computer maintenance now..
I looked up ‘tosser bitches’ but only found ‘pansy ass bitches’ which doesn’t seem to be the same thing because the C is female but pab appear to be inmature men who can’t get any and live with their momma. Does C bump into you to show aggression? Like she is some kind of big pretender bitch claiming the top of the social order? I’m just trying to decypher the language. One site said bitch is sometimes used affectionately for ones friends, but my sense is that isn’t how you meant it. I could go on but it would just reveal more confusion. Tossers used to be all boys, I thought, like in Hairy Potter Six in the restaurant scene at the beginning of the movie where a waitress is hitting on Harry but he leaves with Dumbleedore instead.
@sleepygene Tosser means idiot. And yes, yes she does!
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When someone calls me an idiot I always tell them at least I am a functional idiot unlike them….
@jaythesmartone C is very much a nonfunctional idiot.
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Ah, so this is the tosser bitch, huh?
@heffay Nah totally different one sweets.
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Sometimes it’s good to just get those feelings out there, even if they’re not really heard.
@queenofegypt Yupp.
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I use to call my sister a tosser all the time she still is but I love her anyways…Also SexPistols rock gods in their own right!
Johnny Rotten!
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Sorry about your situation with C.
@justamillennial Actually so am I.
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