Friday 5

- What was your favorite piece of playground equipment when you were a kid?
- What do you remember about your first-grade teacher? Pick the earliest grade teacher you remember, if you don’t remember anything about your first-grade teacher.
- What’s an especially memorable field trip you took with a class in your very early years?
- What are some fads you remember from your elementary school days? Did you get into them?
- If your elementary school had food service, what’s a lunch you were especially fond of, and what’s a lunch you were especially not fond of?
My answers:
- I liked the swingset. I was constantly finding how high I could swing without flying out of the seat.
- I remember my third grade teacher. Miss Henry. She was a fat bitch who was fond of pulling my hair.
- I went to the Science Centre.
- Jelly everything. Bracelets, shoes.. you name it, also bangles in general, 80’s fashions… and yes, I spent every Saturday and Sunday, imitating Madonna and Cyndi Lauper’s yipping…
- Pizza and possibly the mystery meat, but I usually packed a lunch.
There’s something about elementary school cafeteria pizza. Even most of the usual lunch-bringers would get a school lunch on pizza day, and when you look back on it, it couldn’t have been very good. But I still remember it fondly!
Thanks for participating in this week’s Friday 5!
Have a good weekend.
@scrivener Yes, I agree. School pizza for me was the highlight of the week, the mystery meat was the crappy one. LOL!!! You are welcome!
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Here’s a really random thing. I don’t know if this happened at others schools in other areas or not. I can’t remember anyone else dealing with this. My middle school had a deal where they had normal school lunches and then each day of the week, they also had food from different restaurants. I think Wednesday was a local pizza place. There was a Subway day. There was a pizza roll day. The pizza rolls were so good. It was awesome! We could get a personal pizza from a restaurant. Loved it.
@heffay Oh sweet. I wish they had that here…
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I think I have to say the school yard merry-go-round, you could make it as wild as you wanted to (still lke it like that)

First grade teacher, her pony tails, sweet
We had like this road trip, a week long, think I was 12. Have some fond memories of it…
Fads? I was a boy!
No food service, had to do with moms sandwiches. Sometimes we swapped and I had a friend whos mother made the best sandwiches ever!
@anonypus I had this friend who gave me this giant orange for my apple. The orange was seriously the size of a newborn’s head.
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i think my slide was the favorite. i really hated the rolly-type slides. either the metal was hot or i’d get my little fingers pinched in them. and i remember the smell of cafeteria spagetti – day-old, thick spagetti sauce with a re-heated cheese crust. so good. and the chocolate milk. takes me back.
@birdofpassage LOL!!! I loved the slides, I was that kid who was always climbing up the slides lol…. reheated spaghetti?
@sammybaby oh i was definitely climbing up.just not on the rolly-ones lol. and yeah man, you ever have reheated spagetti? the sauce sets into that pasta overnight. MAN. it was delish. and now i want day-old spagetti. yum. <3
@birdofpassage That was good times. Day old spaghetti? I’ll try anything once, except squid/octopus
@sammybaby i’m telling you. phaa.nom.enal. and not even calamari? i’d eat squid/octopus any day. i’m a bottomfeeder! lol
@birdofpassage I love salmon though.
@sammybaby yaas, queen! <3
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