3a and I just woke up…

So, I always like posting this video about this time if I’m awake, which usually I am…
I love Rob Thomas, I think he is incredibly hot and talented. He’s got this brooding thing down pat in this video… oh! I have sims stuff.. what a ride that was!!
I don’t know what to call it, a Desperation Challenge LOL!!! My sim is a family sim not a fortune one but seriously!
Meet Alaina (pronounced Ah-lana) Cox. She lives in Pleasantview.
She went to some park and met Shea Johnston. Shea always looks like he is in severe pain, in almost every shot lol!!! Maybe it is just his face, like Ringo Starr??
Um no.
Dina not Nina but I did try Nina but she ended up hating Alaina.
Alaina: Don’t think I don’t see you Dina Caliente!
Meet Henry. Henry is the first born of Alaina.
Since Shea didn’t cone with a lot of cash, he died. I told you that this was a Desperation challenge LOL!!
Dina however was loaded… yay!
I made up Dina.
Here is Drake. I forgot to marry Dina and Alaina so, he and his twin sister are Calientes.
Here is baby Jamie.
This is Melanie. I boolpropped Dina with Alaina and vice versa. The twins are Dina’s and Melanie is Alaina’s…
Henry as a toddler.
I made the Caliente sisters unselectable so they wouldn’t be on the lot… but I was so tired last night so, I only played a bit. I’ll play today sometime…
Good morning!
@kaliko Afternoon Kat!
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Shea! NOOO!!!
@heffay I had to delete the family bc it glitched.
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Love the song! Perfect for me too because I’ve been up since 3am.
@wildrose_2 *yawns*
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Cute kids. I remember the Caliente sisters in Sims 2, they were such gold diggers.
@justamillennial Dina yes, Nina? Not so much.
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