Sagittarius New Moon on 12/12

Sagittarius New Moon 2023

…”First off, fuck your bitch and the clique you claim
Westside when we ride, come equipped with game
You claim to be a player but I fucked your wife..” -2pac “Hit ‘Em Up” …

There is nothing more that brings Sagittarius energy than anger, shit-talking, and table-flipping.

Sagittarius comes in to put words into action. It’s the opposite of Gemini – the ruler of communication, so naturally, it puts the words you spoke six months ago when Sag had its full moon back on June 3, 2023, in Gemini season. Sagittarius will go to war and strap up to fight for the actions we could not express during the times we spoke our truth back in June during Gemini season.

So it’s only natural that whatever you’ve been wanting to come to an end or start that new beginning for the past six months, that you’ve only been talking about – it’s time. It’s time to put words off paper and into action. I know we’re all angry about the constant change we feel we don’t have control over, but at the end of the day, it’s we – ourselves – who have the archer that points us to our destiny in our hands ready to shoot the arrow at any moment.

So be angry. STAY angry. Once you’re able to laugh, cry, or feel more confident about the desires you’ve been wanting to change these past few months, don’t settle for anyone else’s needs. I’m sure it’s how you got here in the first place.

I did a tarot reading for this today..

First let’s start off with the Knight of Wands – the “do boy” of the Action cards of wands. He’s here as the messenger to remind you “let’s go bitch, time to get up! The world is waiting for you to show us your work!” Then we have the group of the Temperance, the Fool, and Four of Cups. The Temperance shows you it’s time to make a serious and important decision – this is a time to really take life’s opportunities seriously and make a decision that will create a new beginning for you. But of course, only if you let it. The Temperance card will guide you though, there is no failing with this guidance. The Fool card – 0. This new opportunity is here to present it’s self to you, and you’re ready for this nwe journey. Like your bags are already packed and ready to go, you’re at the cliff and about to jump off. Of course it’s new and new changes can sometimes be really alarming and challenging, but remember what challenges are really here for. The New Moon in Sag said you’ve been here once before, and now you are experienced to know what the difference of a fun challenge, and a boring or torture feeling challenge is like. When you are working through a challenge to serve other people’s needs and their wants, it’s not exciting. If you are working through on your own challenge, THEN you can feel the excitement. So when the four of cups – the card of confusion – the card of “yeah, I want it butttt…” pops up, it’s time to remind yourself of those cups in front of you are your past – the ones that are no longer serving you – and it’s time for you to take the new cup that is honored to you through what feels like a magical form. Like a thought, a spirit, or a good friend. You can only move forward if you take new opportunities – that YES, they are there coming to you, as they always will be.

Then we have the six of wands. The triumph card of the first signs of success in your work. It’s a good outcome to the work you’ve started to show, that other people are also now applauding you and cheering you on. You’re now able to see “your people” come to join you.

There’s also something Spiritual about this time. A hidden meaning, a more undiscovered – yet beautiful about this opportunity. It is, in all means a true blessing. So much so that it is something that not only you but also someone else has been praying for you to experience.

Do you ever sit in silence and wonder what makes you feel good? How does anger turn into motivation for action, and action turns into the moment you’re able to truly rest? Then you rest and you’re able to sit in the silence and feel the frequency of nature, and to see the slightest move the leaves make as the wind blows. This is serving Taurus in Uranus vibes coming through from the background, but we’ll try to keep focus here on this new moon.

During New Moons, it is the darkest time of the month when the moon does not shine through in the sky. So it’s only fitting that we try to find ways to clear our minds and see what’s really behind our thoughts and actions. These motives are what we want to work through. This is the High Priestess at play the most. Then we have the Empress and the Nine of Wands. She is the new, the beauty, the abundance, the creation of love developed into a material form. And with the 9 of wands sitting side by side of her, you get to look back at all the hard work you’ve done and you might even feel disheveled and don’t know if you can move forward with any more work, but if you always take the time to look at the true meaning of your creation, then it will remind you the worthiness of your work.

This brings us to the Ace of Cups card, the card of true emotional and spiritual peace. The true feeling, in it’s purest form, of peace within yourself, and with others. Your cup is so full it’s overflowing. Your cup runneth over – that is is so full it’s overflowing, and whatever you allow yourself to keep full of yourself – you leak over and it allows it to flow over to others.

The Devil card is always there and waiting. Ironically or not, this card represents Capricorn in this deck, and is the next solar cycle we will experience after this new moon. With change will always be the reminder of fear of living in stagnate energy. Once I was informed that this card is not to fear – and be reminded that you may feel chained up to anything that brings you fear – please remember that in this card it shows these humans that their hands are free and they/you can release those chains from around your neck at any time you choose. You only stay stuck with the devil for as long as you let yourself be chained to fear/living in your hell.

“..”..that was the past but maybe now you’ll realize
the man above is the only thing that keeps us alive
we breathe the same air
we bleed the same blood
imagine all people treated equal
imagine one love” – “Imagine” by John Lennon remixed w/ Nas & Pitbull

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