Good (early!) morning!

Well, I’m up with the boids. My bladder woke me up. Also my neck which is kind of stiff. But as @bear70 says, I’m above the dirt. 🙂 And I am glad for this. 🙂 I have some Sims 4 ‘shots to show y’all. I might need to go back in game to get the names, but I will.

Not much is up. Lil Sis is coming today to look after us, so that Maman can get a break. 🙂 Saturday night we are having Chinese takeaway for dinner. 🙂

Last night I ordered Tim’s for my friends and I, they botched up the order, the peach drinks were delivered, my sister’s snacks arrived but they forgot my snack. I say, if you ain’t good at your job, why the 🤬do you even go?? I mean seriously??

Eh.. I had my kettle cooked chips for snack. 🙂 Very nice. 

My bath day is today. I think I will take a cold one as the weather is supposed to reach 27c which is 80f. And that is 🤬hot, if you get what I mean eh? I think, in Canada we have 3 seasons. Winter, summer, and then either winter or construction… depending on your pov. 😉

Pink and white magnolias. I love magnolia trees. 😀 They are very beautiful to look at. 🙂

We have a 🤬ton of jackdaws and robins, and blue jays in our neighborhood and a pair of mourning doves, who btw nest in the tree next to my window. 🙂 There was/is a jays nest toward my xenophobic neighbors to the left of my house… idk if it is still there.. 

🌎 May 12, 2023 🌍
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I’m obsessed with these things…

Question of the Day: Have you ever had the chicken pox?

Surprisingly I have not. Which means I won’t get shingles yay! I am a rare case indeed.




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May 12, 2023

I got chicken pox. It was before the chicken pox vaccine came out :((

May 12, 2023

@ladiwan OMG.. that had to be hella uncomfortable. 🙁

May 12, 2023

@sagittariusmoon it was like when I was 4 years old so I barely remember any of it. Probably was uncomfortable though

May 12, 2023

@ladiwan I mean, the itching? Yeah. I was lucky and but I had the mumps.

May 12, 2023

I love the magnolias! They’re beautiful and they usually smell wonderful. I’m very fond of different birds, and love especially to hear mockingbirds sing.

May 13, 2023

@darkmadonna Yes, the magnolia tree is my favorite tree next to the birch. Mockingbirds are amazing little creatures eh??