Backlog of Nintendo Switch ‘caps…
From my Twitter account of course, bc a) Twitter is easier to post to, plus you can copy n paste the images and have them stick, than FB, and b) FB sucks. Period.
Guitarborough? Seriously?? What drug are you on dear Sylvia???
K.K. Slider knows the real shizz…
I tend to play this early in the morning, and late at night.
My Island Sunnydale, bc most of the time, it is
Sylvia sweetie, they can’t. First of all, they are underwater and second of all, one’s heart isn’t loud enough… oy vey.
Insects as a rule are period! Wasps esp.
I forgot to show off the mesh baseball cap that the rooster gave me.
I caught a frog!! Isn’t it the cutest? I love it. I also now have a red snapper too and a dory (surgeonfish)
I love Houndoom.
After Gengar, this is my favorite Pokémon!
I now also have Scarlet and Monopoly. I am the Link icon and Julz has the Mario one.
Older pix
Not in any order. I tend to start my games over and over. I am notorious for doing that heh.
If you play AC:NH and you are a newbie, I suggest getting the wetsuit asap. After you pay the initial balance in Nook Points. You can swim out and get like different fish that usually fetch a lotta $$$.
Renee. You sound like a really bad version of Steve Urkel. Either that or MC Hammer.
I know I said that I wanted to start with Sprigatito, and I will on Violet, but on Scarlet I chose Fuecocco (sp?)
Like I said, I start again quite frequently.
I had to look up these British words… and a bit of Cockney rhyming slang as well… Being pants with something means that you are terrible at it.. and a weald is like a forest… methinks? And the rhyming slang comes later… it’s cream crackered which is ‘knackered’ and that my friends is being tired… my Brit readers. am I right?????
Smile! You are on Candid Camera!
Lyman and the rooster thing are the same type of animal on AC. You have your weirdos, your interesting folk and then there are the muscleheads.
Yes, I get stung a lot but I know now to keep the hive bc I can fashion medicine out of it.
Lyman seriously?? LOL
Big friggin whoop!
How about ‘Losing My Mind Slowly but Surely’??
Sterling is easily impressed. LOL
Hazel appreciates my gift of environmental garbage.
Who knew that Blathers was/is afraid of moths? Come to think about it, I am too. Yikes!!!
An owl with a mustache??
This is my try at wacky hair colors.
I am bugging the shit out of Hazel bc she is a .
Sterling needs the few brain cells his big fat musclehead, bc right now he is losing most of them just saying this. Ha!
Conan does look fetching in his nuddy pants. I, tried to see if I could run naked, (my mother was a hippie … lol) in AC… but nope. Just nuddy pants/top/outfit…
Speaking of clothes, why the would I wanna stare at your shorts? I am not a lech you know?
NINTENDO + GAMEFREAK, what the is it with your games and shorts??????????? *headdesk*
No. I am a strong af trainer.
THE best TM, imho.
This is what endeared me to Sw/Sh in the first place. I this game! (Shield)
Do y’all get it? The Galarian ziggy looks like a member of good ol’ KISS.
This could be now bc I have a house with a purple roof… but nope.
Love James. Always have, always will… but Jessie is a spoiled
Sterling is a bit over dramatic.
Scorbunny ftw!!
B&W shot of Nurse Joy.
Love the expression. Just… love it.
Arven is a sexy dude.
Nope. No twin. Or doppelganger for that matter.
Me collecting a load of weeds to sell to the little Nook.
This is wayyyy back when I first got my switch and didn’t have cool games yet. This is rather disgusting and bizarre.
As my baby sister would say …
Sorry about the glut of images, this IS a backlog. Heh.
Sammy if you hit characters a bunch with your net a bunch they get upset with you. I felt bad when a character I like got mad at me for it
@heffay Oh, I remember that from the Gamecube days LOL!!!!!

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