What a fuss over a cancelled dental appointment!

I just rang the dentist to cancel my appointment for tomorrow and they refused to make me another appointment because they didn’t have 24 hours notice. They have to send me a letter first!

The thing is they had a little under 23 hours notice and I think that is being pedantic.

The reason I cancelled is that my husband had to have a minor operation on his arm on Tuesday and can’t drive. I suffer frequent migraines and can’t drive on the days I get them because of my medication. Normally I just make an afternoon appointment and if I have woken with a migraine I can usually make it by then if he drives me, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to risk my being ill when he couldn’t drive either.

I would have cancelled earlier in the week but I have been ill all week and he kept talking me out of it when I brought it up.

"See how you are on the day." he’d say. If I hadn’t been feeling so ill and there hadn’t been so much going on I wouldn’t have listened.

We also had to cancell an appointment for our daughter Cat to see the GP yesterday. She hasn’t been for a long time but was going to make a real effort and go. Then she slept all day the previous day (she has a sleep disorder which means she finds it really hard to keep a regular sleep pattern ) which meant she couldn’t be ready in time. It’s difficult to explain but she has OCD and everything has to be done a certain way or she can’t get out. Normally I would have woken her but it was the day Hubby was in hospital and I had a migraine and I was coping with the dog and feeling rotten. I just didn’t think.

I guess the dentist’s system is not unreasonable in most circumstances, but sometimes I feel they should try living my life. I mean they are pursuing their career, earning good money. I am living with chronic health problems with a husband with ADD a daughter with multiple mental health problems and on a low income but I have to be treated like a naughty schoolgirl if I am one hour late cancelling an appointment.

Well I’ve had my little moan and I feel a bit better now!

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November 4, 2010

I’m glad you feel better for that. Alot of people just don’t consider that there are other ways of being in the world do they?

November 5, 2010

How petty, they had almost the 24 hours. Saying that i’ve been today, up last night with toothache .