Weekend update… gods what is going on?

Hows the weekend?  INSANE!!!!

Yeah, had one of those kinds of weekends, when nothing seems normal.  But now I have had a bit of a chance to recover from it and its after effects I may just get down some words in the old Diary.

Friday I went to work at 9.30am and that seemed fine and dandy, I knew the MaDScientist was going into surgery, his mother was already sopposed to be there and that was cool, I would drive down after work and do some visiting, maybe act as a chauffer on Sat for the game.  So about 10.45am MS calls, nervous but waiting on his parents and a friend of his.  Seems his mother waited since his dad got in from the airport the night before.  No big deal and the friend lives just down the road.  So I go back to working and another call comes in at 11.30, no parents, no friend and 30 minutes till Surgery time.  Fuck this.. get out of work after giving brief synopsis of the situation, run by the house, grab clothes and impliments for AIT and rush out the door.  Atlanta traffic on a Friday afternoon, stuck.  I dont get a call untill half out of Conyers when the friend says he is now going under the knife.  I am halfway there so I keep going.  Funeral procession, check.  Getting lost, check again.  I arrive just in time for the nurse to annouce we can see MS in recovery.

MS did look a little suprised that I was there, but happy to see me, seems I am the only one in ATL that came down to at least visit.   

MS’s mother, myself and friends spent most of the afternoon cleaning MS’s house.  I hate cleaning, I tell you this.  Eventually friend went home to feed her kids in pets clothing and one of her dogs ran out of the house.  She was going to look for it before coming back.  Okay.  All three of us left played with MS in a game of Simpsons Clue and then MS got a call.  Friend’s dog had been hit by a car, she was now searching for the body.  This is terrible.  MS keeps trying to calm her down, the game was abandoned and I tried to be something of a good person and not listen.  I cant close my ears.  Eventually we all sleep.

Saturday morning started fine and dandy, if you want waking with a nightmare dandy.  But after a while MS is up his mother and I were already taking care of breakfast and sundry things.  Here comes the friend and his mother wanders off to the store.  During this time MS gets a call from another friend who is in the hospital with His heart doing random gymnastics.  This person already has heart problems and well.. this is not funny.   MS calls back to the person with the trippy heart and tell them to call me and leave me a message of which hospital I need to run to.  WEll during all this MS is going back and forth, seems there is swelling where there should not be.. consult Doctor and ER is recommended.


Okay I worry about complications, I am worried about hearts now I am a fucking mess.  Lets wait for the mother to show back up.  She does, I am about to have a breakdown.. yeah.

So we got MS off to the ER I start back to ATL.  At least no lost, traffic or funerals, so far.

I do hear from the friend with the cartwheeling  heart, they are releasing him because things have went back to normal.  Cool, still worried.  Get instructions, much like MS to just say ‘Tehy are ok"

Ait was weird, a lot of people were AWOL and here comes the heart patient, looking VERY pale and weak.  He didnt want me to mother him.

Sunday I was just plain tired.

Monday I woke up to fever that has yet to really abate.

I sleep now.

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