This is NOT cool…

Weekend was well dramatic to say the least.  Lets go in .. chronological order!!!

Thursday, stress stress and more stress, stress relieved to an extent with a friends help.  Then get home for more stress… (Calgon!  Take me away!) 
Now, granted I did confess who I was seeing (lets just call him… ugh.. names.. Domabee) to Blood and was glad there were no recriminations.  Not too fond of eath other and well after some things I am glad it was not a shock when things blew up.  I was a fool and let myself get suckered in with the whole song and dance of ‘i love you’.  I call bull patties.

Friday I worked until 7.0 (but left at 6.45) and headed home talking to the MAdScientist on the phone when he tells me he will be late and to head up as we previously planned to Bridge.  I do and see my lovely mates of the bridge and start playing (with a different partner, strangely enough), eating pizza and randomly discussing other events.  The MAdScientist calls again with an update of later than scheduled (seeing MS this is a constant) and well we keep a going.  I am getting better at bridge at least.  About 1am we pack it in for the night card wise and talk about other things.. in particular AIT .  Sometimes I feel like an honorary Storyteller since I get to know the rules arguments which in turn clarifies things during the game.  No plots can I hear, I am still a player.

Finally MS and I take our leave and head to my place in his car.. I’ll pick mine up the next day when he has his ST meeting.  At the house we crack open some decent wine and talk before sleeping.  I am such a wine whore.. I want more

Saturday we go and run MS’s errands and well not all is jolly in the land of Science.  Emissions in GA are a biatch.
Go back to where my car is I head out then get ready for AIT and end up being late, no worries everyone else was late too.  Heh.

So my evening is going fairly well, staying busy and Domabee’s chick and I talk for a minute since he has avoided me all night and I tell her that I will not put up with the name calling and lack of understand from the last conversation and that its over.    She asked what was going on, so I told her.  She runs and tells Domabee and he storms up to me in the middle of the hall, the middle of the game and demands something I owe him.  And that *I* will not leave till he has it.  Knowing very well that I do not have it and I mentioned this.

Domabee (D) "Well if you are here that means you have some" 
Me; "I didnt pay for tonight, someone else did"
D: "Doesnt matter, you are here"   (WTF??? )
Me; "I am not discussing this right now" 
D: Yes you will do as *I* say
Me: Again, Domabee I am not discussing this right now" 
D;  "Yes you are and I mean to get what you owe me." 
Me; "Right now you would have to take it out of my blood.  I am not discussing this now PERIOD"  and I walked off, shaking like a leaf.  I was followed by a couple of guys that just wanted to make sure I wasnt going to fall down or apart.

I ran into another room and shortly after Blood comes in and asks what is going on.   I told him the whole story and he asks me what I owe.  At this point Aleister speaks up and states he heard Domabee tell his chick to follow me so that he would get what he is owed by the end of the night. 

At this point I just go to my knees I am royally pissed and punch the floor.  Carpet doesn’t take much padding over hardwood floors.. (My hand is severely bruised but I will live, its working with some restriction of movement but its not too swollen or inflexible)  Finally I stand with some urging and Blood tells me to let Domabee know not to bother me for the rest of the night.  When I tell Blood I want nothing to do with Domabee he seemed almost gleeful to say "I’ll take care of it, with pleasure"

I do so adore Blood. 

So now I have such drama in my personal life and game is another matter, but that I will be thinking over. 

I got home with the time change after 4am and dropped off to bed.  Worked again Sunday till 9.15 then back at the office this morning at 7.30 – 5.20 (I was late getting off the phone)

I am tired and hating the drama.. Domabee has already sent me an email with his position for causing such a scene. 

Avoidance is apparently not adult enough for him to handle private matters in private.  I didnt exactly raise the roof about his name calling me dumb and stupid this time.  Last year it was slut and whore. 

So tonight I am going to rest, take it easy and tomorrow I have off so I will clean the house and try to relax a little before Wed’s poker …

PAYDAY is THURSDAY!!!!!  *throws confetti*

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March 13, 2007

Mmm payday what a royal arse, although ‘blood’ sounds lovely 🙂 <3

RYN : SSDD AMEN?? ummm.. what did that mean my lady?

RYN: hahahaha. that was a good one. =) THANK YOU for the note wish you happiness.