The new Stop Smoking Plan

The new Stop Smoking Plan

Going to attempt to stop smoking again.  I am tired of being a pariah with most social groups and additionally I know it would be better for my health and well being.  So here is the current plan, which may be modified if it becomes too impractical

1.  Make sure the Wellbutrin is taken when I leave for work each day.
2.  1 cigarette before getting into the car before work
3.  No smoking in the car
4.  No smoking when I get to work and only smoking 1 cigarette  during breaks.
5.  No smoking in the car
6.  I must be out of the car at least 10 minutes before I can smoke again
7.  At home, when watching TV I must only smoke during commercial breaks and put out the smoke before the commercials end
8.  I will not place a movie on pause for smoking
9.  I may not smoke between courses of a meal.
10.  I must be outside to smoke, even in bars and other places that allow indoor smoking.

So there you have it.. I hope I can do this..

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good luck.

October 31, 2007

I’m trying to quit too. Cold turkey doesn’t seem to work for me, so maybe I should try something like this plan.

November 1, 2007

good luck! you can do it 🙂