Stygian Night Thoughts

Let me alone as I make my way through this stygian night only to be faced with myself once again as the close star makes it way over the horizen that I had just fled.  Cover me in darkness keeping out the light that would threaten to burn me, stripping away the veneer of protection that I have made for myself out of web and cynacism.  Nothing can be so complete as the lost soul as it makes its way back and forth from night to night, tormented with only thoughts, memories and knowing in all certianty that no one would miss me, at least in the long run.  Shadowed beings seek and destroy what was once the idealations that I had something out of fairy tales that I know have no reality.

In this Cinderella society we look and we see those that are the lucky few, where they have the attitude, power, wealth and visage that endears others to them.  Those are the ones that would count themselves as lucky, I see them as being entranced into falsehood, taking more from those around them than they would ever be willing to give themselves.  They live in a cycle of parasitic glee.

And what about those that would sit on the fringe of society, just watching, rendering a comment of dread truth on occasion only to be shunned by the populace as not part of the team.  Of course not, even as children you saw that we were not  sheep, like so many of you and neglected to see us for the talents we possessed.  You now call us bitter, jaded, freaks.  Isnt it a strange turn of events that we wear that label with pride.

I, as a freak, dont want to be like you.  I prefer my solitary nights of contemplation to the inane conversations of what you would deem as acceptable.  The truth hurts dont it?  Get used to it, I am tired of keeping my own council, being the voice of reason that is quickly ignored for the sake of your precious ego.  I will be heard, even if my word fall on deaf ears for you will think back on them someday and realize that the most precious thing you could have ever known you let slip through your fingers like so many grains of sand.



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July 7, 2006

Well spoke.