Stuttering Again **EDIT**

I now know for sure all my meds are out of my system for one reason alone..

I started to stutter, hell I am stuttering again. 

Thats hard to swallow, I thought I had kicked it since when medicated I hardly ever stutter, except when I have a panic attack.  This sucks big.  Going to pester the insurance company again because if I am stuttering, how can I be the call center monkey?

Anyways, tomorrow is cleaning and laundry (if Kaiser gets off their butts) and having the Red Headed Step Child, La Cucaracha and my Maggot over for drinks, dinner and movies.  Yay! 

I have missed my Maggot, he ships off to Afganistan or Iraq come October 18.  It scares me.

but for now, I am searching for my emergency meds (I hid them) and then well, whatever…


Kaiser finally got off their respective tushes and I go in on Monday morning at 8:30am.  Intake always sucks but at least its a step in the right direction.

Get together was a no-go, I fell asleep and didnt hear the phone.

Get together is tomorrow, at least scheduled so poker may be a no-go.

I’ll keep yas all posted.

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