Still here

My writing and editing are at a standstill, just not feeling it at the moment. Seems funny as I posted a ‘poen’ the other day. But the novel/s et all are just stuck.

Moby (My car) has a bd wheel so I have bummed rides with Blood to poker and bridge the past couple of nights. Being broke I have been bankrolled so to speak. I did win 1st at poker for the first time at the cash game. Yay me.

Still blue, dont expect that much to change as _____ and I havent really been togther lately. *sigh* I know more of the story now.. heh.. I’ll think more on that later.

Anyways, I am still alive, somehow.

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June 4, 2007

Alive is good. I need to learn how to play poker properly. RYN: I’ve gotten notes from three different girls today saying that they sought booty calls at 3 AM on Saturday too. 😉 LOL.

June 11, 2007

Hello stranger.I am thinking of you.I miss you HUGS

June 22, 2007

RYN: I’ll be at the airport.