Slow past the drawers

Things are coming to something of normal again, well as best as I can make it.  After the crash I had its becoming a little clearer that I was taking on too much.  Back to Social Security for me and living with the rents for god knows how long.

So now I shake the meds cant seem to calm that down and I am half high.

So now we have on deck….

and Vistaril

Thought about Atavan however it is spelled.. but no benzos for me.

It is strange I feel alone in my head for the first time in years.  Its wonderful and disquieting to feel this way..

On the other hand I look like I am in the first stages of Parkinsons.

Got the myspace ( and Yahell 360 pages together.. yay me.

And Saran comes and gets me Thurs for just hanging out and seeing friends. 

Oh, and selling my car.. bummer


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March 12, 2008

hugs i’m glad you checked in here.