No sleep…

I am utterly exhausted.  My own darn fault but well, I have commercial (not independant) credits again and next week shall have a paycheck from a production company that called me a ‘real trooper’  doesnt hurt my ego.

Granted, I have had less than 4 hours sleep and I am posting from the cube at work at 4am doesnt bode well for my chances of resting anytime before Dragon*Con.  Boy, am I going to be tired for a while. 

I got off work yesterday morning at 6am and headed home to change into something more fitting for lugging around equipment and food (I mainly worked craft services {i.e. give out snacks}) but it was hot and combine that with the lights and other equipment we were roasting and the make-up girl had her hands full with shine issues.  But back to schedule… I picked up Karla at 7:45 and barely made it on time to set up.  Bagels (no knife), coffee (no can opener, no cups and no Equal/Sweet n Low just Splenda), banannas, cream cheese, trail mix and the grapes were A.W.O.L. by 8:30.  Take Karla to work at frigging Turner and get back in time to cut pinapple (I was a virgin!) pick up the Atkins dieters breakfast, set out the chips and M&M’S dark and get lunch ordered.  Luckily, the producer had already called Publix for subs so that was a relief.  Not that I got much rest since it was so hot that we were running out of drinks like a whore does under wear.

Got lunch picked up, set out, key lime pie and chips and finally was given leave to eat.  Oh thank goodness, bagels went down my gullet as well as a sandwich.  I missed the Key Lime. 

Get that taken care of and pack up breakfast and lunch in turn, set up the next round of snacks and try to convince the client to give their catalog and CSR work to Donnelly.  (Commission good)

We then packed everything up and headed to the second location.  This is 4pm, we were soppsed to be done (or I was) at 3pm.  I set back up and wait for the Producer to show up.

I got home about 6pm.  I slept maybe 3 hours and came to Donnelly. 

The Good News, $100 more in my pocket, credits and possibly more work freelancing.

The Bad News, I keep trying to fall asleep between calls.

When I get home I will talk more I think, well if I dont pass out first.

Poker may be a no-go.

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August 30, 2006

100$ is good 🙂 no sleep is not 🙁 i hope you can manage to cuddle up and catch some Zzz’s! i hate when im overly tired and basically have to stay up still…. never a fun time >.< hugs and much love, <3