No Dragon*Con for me.. not mine

Nope, not going this year unless La Cucaracha kidnaps as she threatens on Sat evening.  With moving, stress, money issues and just plain exhaustion I am skipping this year and the drama that would come with it.  Drama that for some reason I want.  Oh well there is next year.

Not going to be going to Frolicon since the MaDScientist invited Fucking Sarah and well after our chat about respect and REMEMBERING plans he is going to have corner time then himself.   So no cons for me this year unless for some reason I decide on SELF next June.  Its a thought but who would I go with?  Ugh.. sometimes being single is a pain.

Today at work I saw Luke, one of my old friends dating back 12 or so years.  Good to see him and since we only talk about 2-3 times a year it was a good thing.  He mentioned D*C and was actually disappointed I was not going to be there.  He wanted to see me Irish again…

People seem to like it when I am drunk. 

I have already tried to sleep tonight but dreams elude me.    Insomnia is a bitch especially when you are dog tired to begin with.  I still have yet to finish packing the kitchen and the closets.  I am tempted to say screw it tomorrow and leave the place a mess. 

I keep thinking about Nikoli… guess seeing Luke brought that on.  My first love and the husband of the woman I would most likely want to torture if I ever see her.  They say "I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy"

That woman, I would wish all that is unholy and more. 

I sound bitter and depressed, I am both and just going through the motions of life. 

I have been bad recently but I havent told anyone about it.. I dont want those that have confused me or hurt me to know they are the cause. 

MTS, still hasnt touched me either. 

I need to get laid… haha maybe in another 3 months after I leave the Flakes place of residence.  Got strongarmed into that deal and hate it already but family is family.

I should be going into details but I just cant muster that up at the moment. 

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August 31, 2007
