Fuck you Kander.. I know you cant see this but still Fuck YOU!

Lying, cheating, dope dealing ass better stay in La.  

You left Atlanta because they were taking away your cash crop, the pills you were selling even thoughthey were sopposed to be for your "extreme pain".  Gods, what an ass, I knew that they were givening them to your lazy ass, I knew you were selling them, I didnt know you were fucking lying about what was wrong with you. 

And you try to call me lame becasue I have ‘accomplished so little’ when I got away from you.. FUCK you! AT least i have done SOMETHING….

Didnt have a job after I left you in Florida?  HA!  I have the listing of your employer! 
Had unsupportive roomates?  I have the psych eval where you gave them glowing praise
We broke up because I was pissy about you forgetting SOMETHING on our anniversery.. WTF???

I left because you had no desire for my best interests, although I sacrificed everything, including my mind for you. 


Have  a Hate song…

You Eclipsed By Me

I began my ascent at minus zero
You made so sure of that
You tried to keep me down here
Your complacency has been your downfall
Nobody made you king of the world
And I’m here to dethrone
So kiss the ring motherfucker
It’s my time, my time to shine
Grasping for the straws as they fall
Maybe you can make a splint for your broken ego
For your broken ego

And I say thank you for the scars
And the guilt and the pain
Every tear I’ve never cried
Has sealed your fucking fate
Did you take me for, a fool?
Or were you just too blind to see
That every effort made has failed
And there is no destroying me?

Hate can be a positive emotion
When it forces you to better yourself
You built me, constructed my desire
Perfected my hatred
Now I’m driven to be ten times better than you think you are
Ten times better than you think you are
Piece by piece I’ve built my walls
And burned the bridges down
That lead back to people like you
So full of malice, so full of scorn
You tried your best to crush my spirit
You tried to steal my soul
You pushed my back against the wall
And I broke it down
I will not be broken
Though I am the one that bleeds

I will not be broken
I am the one [x3]

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December 30, 2006


okokok. calm down. take deep breaths. its a new year now. what happened in the past must stay in the past. wish you happiness

January 3, 2007

That really sucks. I hate dishonesty.

January 17, 2007
