$$, Kidnapping, Dry Ice, Ankles & Drama..Not Mine!

Writing entries with Opera is a pain but I dont feel like starting up Firefox for just a few.. well I think a few sentences.

Still havent gotten the money back from being stolen from via credit card fraud. I ended up borrowing money from Blood to pay the rent and the phone bill.. doesnt leave much but I should be able to survive.

Last night I got a call from the MaDScientist and he was asking me why I was not at Irana’s party. I know via El Jay that it was going on but I was not specifically invited so I was not stressing. While on the phone I hear her say “God! Is he on the phone with fucking S_____ again?!?” this had to bring both a grimace and a smile to my face. He and I had this conversation the other week (when he lied to me for all intents and purposes) about knowing when to hang up. Especially when you have been invited to an event or be with another person. Its totally disrespectful and hurtful. But he then explained that he was on the phone with me asking why I was not there and impromptu Irana shouts.. “SHE’S GOTTA COME!!” I had to explain, not with much detail that I am flat broke and well driving to the East Side of town would drain my gas and not be too good for my future. MS states that he will visit after he is done there and I guess all is good.

So I settled in to play my games and wait a few hours as MS is totally the social butterfly and takes 30 minutes to say goodbye to one person much less an entire party. So I was expecting hours. About 45 minutes later he knocks on the door. And here I am just flabergasted as he tells me to turn around, blindfolds and cuffs me then proceeds to tell me how I am being ‘kidnapped’.

Nothing happened in the car

I am a sick puppy, but when he called ‘the boss’ I had an idea of what was going on. So 30 minutes later I am at Iranas house where I get a busted lip from the force of her hug and for a while it was like life was normal.


But in the hubub to blow up the coke bottle (and here I was sober as a judge) I twisted my ankle, damnit I hate that feel like a drama queen but damn it still hurts and I cant move it right. Keeps up I see a Dr visit.

After 12am we head back to my place and he goes on with life. Par for the course.

And today was the drama for everyone but me day. First I wake to Ayla calling in tears as her hubby/boyfriend was put into jail (driving on a suspended liscence) and needed a co-signer for the bond. I cant do that, first is the drive and then although I have a job I can not in good concience vouch for him. I dont know him that well. I make suggestions and got to work.

I come in at 9am and I am getting the day started and about 10:45 Lee calls in my sister, Flakes, for a pow wow. They talked for a few minutes (about 10) and Flakes comes out crying. I have to know what is up so I take my break, I would not have cared what Lee said at that point. No one makes my sister cry. And found out what was going on. Flakes was demoted, on what I call crap but its not my department anymore. I dont know what really happened I was off the day before.

So Flakes heads home and about 1pm I hear Shar on the phone, seems her bank has screwed her out of almost $1k. She had the deposit slip so this will get resolved. About 2:30 Shar gets a call from KB that was basically gibberish and she was found int he restroom after a grand mal seizure. She was taken to the ER but we dont know what else is going on. At 4pm Brid calls in that her sister was in an accident and will not be in and at 4:30 another employee calls in with another family emergency.

Thankfully I have now gotten out the door and going home. Anastasia called and wanted me to come over, as it is practically my next door street I go on over we have fried rice, guitar hero and picking on her hubby before I get my tail home. YAY!

My ankle is still swollen and I am mulling over why _______ (now know as Malfunctioning Traffic Signal/MTS)keeps pulling me in and then ignoring me. The man has more mixed signals than his namesake.

So there you have it.. longer than I thought but still… refeshing.. good and bad.. I didnt want more drama.

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August 7, 2007

holy crap – drama indeed 🙂