I’m Bored.. Learn about me…

1. Were any other names considered for you at birth? My mother wanted to name me Brandy Marie
2. What was the day, date, and time for your birth? April 26, 19xx at 4:26pm
3. So how old will you be this year? Old enough
4. Where do you dwell? My own mind… Atlanta
5. What is your astrological sign? Taurus
6. Do you check your horoscopes regularly, and do you believe in them? Nope, based on superstition
7. What are your typical (starsign) qualities? Stubborn
8. Who are you compatible with? Ummm… no one apparently
9. What kind of house do you live in? Apartment
10. What’s the name of your street/close/road? Northside
11. Who do you live with? Alones
12. What rooms are in your house? Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath.
13. Where is your room? Its all mine..
14. How is it decorated? Not really, unless you concider it shabby chic.
15. Did you decorate it yourself? Ummm yeah
16. What kind of furniture do you have? Its a combination of junk and Ikea
17. Did you set out to decorate it with a certain look? Not really
18. Do you have posters on the walls? No
19. What is your calendar this year (if you have one)? 2006
20. Are your parents still together? Yes
21. So what kind of person are you, in the good ways? I don’t know…
22. And in the bad ways? Uber lack of self confidence
23. In what ways do you annoy people? I am abrasive
24. What are your strengths? Wit
25. What are your weaknesses? No confidence
26. Are you easily depressed? Always
27. What makes you depressed? That whole lacking a life thing, being used, being alone..
28. Are you easily paranoid? Yes, its my nature
29. What is your current mood? Bored.
30. Who are your close friends? I dont know how to answer this, the closest that I can think of are the MaDScientist, Blood and La Cucaracha.
31. Who are your favorite friends to talk with when you are upset? Blood.
32. Who do you share most in common with? Hmmm.. I am unique.
33. Do you have a journal/diary? On here I do.

1. Insert a picture of yourself here? See the Sanity Wrangler Entry
2. How important is the way you look? Important.
3. How self-conscious are you when it comes to your appearance? Rather self-conscious.
4. How tall/short are you? 5’7
5. What color hair do you have? Reddish brown.
6. Is it dyed? Yup.
7. If so, what is your natural hair color? I dont know.
8. How long is it? Long
9. Are you growing it? It’s growing whether I want it to or not lol
10. What would you call your body shape? Disgusting
11. Are you happy with it? Not.
12. What color eyes do you have? Blue
13. How do you dress and why? I dress hippy trippy gothy, because I like it and work lets me.
14. How long ago did you start dressing this way? I’ve been doing it for a couple of years now, decided against the fashion plate agenda and just made myself happier
15. Do your friends dress similarly to you? No, not really.
16. How is the way you dress reflective of your personality? Its very much me, something no one can appreciate
17. What parts of your apperance do people compliment? Usually my eyes, have been called disconcertingly blue.  If I am wearing the contacts.
18. What parts of your apperance do people insult? My figure, its between fat and athletic.. nothing fits

1. What do you do for a living?
Call center monkey.
2. Are you happy with what you do? Rather be in travel or television again…
3. What are your hobbies? Inter

net shit, jewelry making, listening to music, reading and writing when I get the chance, role-playing and kinky
4. Name everything you love? That would be a long list
5. Name everything you hate? An even longer list.
6. What kind of people do you love? People that don’t give a damn about what other people think about them, who aren’t insecure and needy all the time, who like to DO things instead of sitting around all day.
7. What kind of people do you hate? Whining, gum chewers and people that assume crap about me.

1. I know it’s a chore, but list your favorite bands and musicians here:
MSI, Atreyu, Tom Petty (yes its strange) 3 inches of Blood, Fear Factory, The Cure, Velvet Revolver, Santana.
2. What are your favorite genres? Hardcore and metal.
3. Any particular favorite songs? No.
4. Albums? No.
5. Insert some of your favorite lyrics? Not now.
6. What band do you listen to when you want to feel happy? Moulin Rouge Soundtrack, Santana and Dr Demento.
7. The most depressive music? Certain 80’s crap
8. Do you have any favorite music videos? Sure.
9. Are you in a band? No
10. If so, what’s it called?
11. If you’re not in a band – do you want to be? I’d rather be running the sound board.
12. If the answers yes, what would you call it?
13. What would your part be in the band?
14. What kind of music would you play?
15. Who would be in your band?
16. What kind your music videos be like?
17. What kind of songs would you write?

18. Can you write songs/music?
19. What would the vocals be like/what kind of singers?
20. What instruments would the music have?

1. Seeing anybody right now?
Thats a hard question, sort of.
2. The obvious question: Straight/bi/gay: Bi
3. Do you have crushes? Several, but they ignore my intentions.
4. If so, do you like them for their personality, or for their apperance? Kinda both, but we are creatures of instinct
5. Celebrity crushes? Sure, who doesnt?.
6. Ever been in love? Yes
7. Are you now? Wish I was
8. How confident are you when it comes to relationships? Sometimes very much so, sometimes not so much.
9. Do you know of anybody who likes you? Yes, however I dont like them, they are creepy and or an asshole.
10. What would be most important to you in a relationship? Meeting both physical and emotional needs.
11. Your ideal guy/girl, personality: Accepting of me, my baggage and just making me feel valid as a human.
12. Your ideal guy/girl apperance: Tall, long hair, skinny side.  Think Mick Jagger skinny
13. What’s more important to you, apperance or personality? Personality….but that’s not to say that looks aren’t also a defining factor. What, am I supposed to date some snaggle-toothed, grey-haired man, just because he has a kickass personality?!
14. What are your turn ons? Sexy voice, individuality, unusual interests or fetishes, interest in me [and not just talking about himself], observation of something ELSE other than my ass or something equally common lol
15. Turn offs? Uncleanliness, for one…..conceit, arrogance, apathy, and banality.
16. Fetishes? I have a long-hair fetish, cemetaries, blood and other kinky stuff.
17. Fantasies? Yeah.
18. How dirty-minded are you? I make sailors blush.
19. What would you rule out in relationships? Dishonesty and disrespect.
20. What kind of things would you like to share in common? Intellect, creativity, and responsibility
21. Does any particular dress sense turn you on? Gothy/Punk.
22. Do you remember your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes.  May he rest in peace.
23. The most romantic songs you can think of? Nothing Else Matters, Metallica (Its suitable since people try to run my life for me)
24. The sexiest bands? Band as a whole?  Dont know.. but I would kill to be with Whats his face from Velvet Revolver.
25. The sexiest singing voices? Chris Isaac.

1. What are your favorite movies?
The Crow, The Princess Bride, Rope, Vertigo, Opera, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Casablanca,
2. What kind of movies do you love to watch, and why? Psychological thrillers and horror….because they’re more interesting. Oh yeah, and the supernatural [vampires and such].
3. What kind of movies DON’T you watch and why? Most comedies, they’re asinine. And a lot of the dramatic fare just puts me to sleep.
4. Favorite actors? That depends on the film.  I have a serious crush on Pierce Brosnan
5. Favorite actresses? Uma, I think
6. Most romantic movie you’ve seen and one of your favorites?  Casablanca
7. The most sad movie you’ve seen and one of your favorites? Schlinder’s List.
8. If you could have starred in any of your favorite movies, which one would it be, why, and what character would you have played? Li, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.  A woman who can not love without brining misery to others
9. If you could take any song and place it in a movie, what song and movie would it be? Bram Stokers Dracula, place in Atreyu’s A Vampire Lament during the scene when Vlad refuses to turn Mina..
10. TV shows you watch? Law and Order when I can find time for television/
11. Cartoons you watch? Animaniacs, Full Metal Alchemist, Big O, Cowboy BeBop, Robot Chicken

1. So how was it? Very
2. Did you enjoy it? No, but I was bored..
3. What’s the time now?8:50 or so PM
4. What was your favorite section? Part 6.
5. Any last words? God grant me the sincerity to accept

the things I can not change.  Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they pissed me off.

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