Grumbing with No Hair

It was a complete and total nightmare…

The whole day was that way, a complete and utter nightmare.

Okay, details, I need to get this off my chest….

I got off work at 6am as par for the course and waited till 9am to cash my paycheck as I did need gas and breakfast before heading to the interview.  I had plenty of time (20 minutes to be exact) once I found parking in Downtown.  Okay go to 101 Marietta street and I was sent to the wrong floor, well it was actually the wrong building!!!!  Come to find out 101 Marietta St in Atlanta encompasses the Centenial Tower, Phipps Arena, The Omni Hotel and the CNN tower!!!
OMFG!  Kill me now.  So I was late.  I should not have been but my directions specified 101 and I went to the building that stated 101. 

Here I was at the Holy Grail of my travel career aspirations and I was fucking late!!!!  It has happened before according to the Supervisor that was part of the 9th degree of interview madness.  Just strange questions that caught me off guard, made me nervous, so therefore the AMAZING SHAKING WOMAN with nervous titters appeared. 

Note: Holy Grail is nice but to be in television production with CNN/Turner would be my Spear of Destiny

I do not think I will get a call back.

So to comfort myself I decided to buy a new toy as the last one died a while back.  Swung by Inserection and got propositioned going in.  Why can not a woman go in there and not be accosted by some man proclaiming on his prowess???????  New toy takes AAA batteries, I have nothing in the house with that battery… *grumble*

Work was another part of the nightmare, I had misread the postings and thought that my chances at training were good but the deadline was yesterday as the lead position is today. 

Plus, people have eschewed the language and have determined I am psychic.  *pulls hair out*

Home again now.. gods I hope no one calls and wakes me.

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August 17, 2006

arg! I hate when they label buildings stupidly like that! I’m too embarrassed to actually go buy them at the store, I order them off the internet.