“Forgive me”

Forgive me for being vain
Looking in the mirror and seeing
Just what others see
Sometimes liking the image
Other times destroying what self confidence I had

Forgive me for being shallow
Not listening to the beat of life
Looking only at the surface
Its hypnotic streams of of visions

Forgive me for being human
Wrapped into this mortal coil
That pollutes the air with her breath
And yet holds yielding
To better days to come.


Somehow I have become entranced with the folklore of where I grew up.  Had to call Dadoo for confirmation of a time period of a sighting of the Spade Man (as he was called in my parts) in relation to the timetable of Mothman in Pt. Pleasant, WV.

Add to that the Cornstalk Curse and its repercussions and possible root of some of the superstitions and blamed causations for Buffalo Creek, Matewan and of course the Silver Bridge. 

Superstitions… yeah…

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May 29, 2007

I have no idea what you’re talking about here, but I wish I did. 🙂 I like old folklore. RYN: If the other one falls through, then absolutely. We shall indeed get married to that song. 🙂