Drunken Black Turkey Poker

"In the latest film, Casino Royale, the high-stakes casino game of Baccarat from the novel is replaced with the modern high-stakes card game of Texas Hold ‘Em. Interestingly, in this game, a hand with a pair of eights is called an Octopussy, the name of the 1983 film."

Random Bond trivia

I know I haven’t been around much recently, too busy, self absorbed and generally not taking th time that I need to each evening and writing stuff down, even my private journal is lacking days of entries.

I don’t know where to begin, what to really say at this point.  Chronological order makes the most sense and maybe, just maybe convey why I am going back and forth emotionally, why my lil voices are switching from silence to deafening.

Wed before the Turkey Poombah Feast…
I did go to the Poker Tourney, again just not liking the idea of new places, new people I didnt know and I didn’t see Nicole, Blood or Rheanna.  The chatter in my head turned to screaming and I even started stuttering by the time Blood and Rheanna showed up.  After a while I calmed down (thank you Vistaril!) and plowed about 1/2 way through before fizzling out.  Good practice for later I guess.  Its better when I know someone around, even marginally.   I got home headed for bed.

Turkey day…
Headed to work after waking at 5.30am.  It was soooo slow until about 10a then it picked up a little.  The boss man showed up at 12.30 to drop off the employees version of Dinner.  Honeybaked hams side selections royally suck ass.  I do not suggest them.  Seeing as me and Flakes were working close to the same hours I headed out early with her (an hour and some change) to the parents place where they actually were going to hold off on dinner till we got there.   My mother is a wonderful cook and sent us girls home with enough leftovers to kill a horse.  But since Fakes needed to be home early for work at 5.45am we headed out after 8 or so.  On the way home I got a call from the Squid regarding Black Friday shopping where I was going to bail but I was convinced to head up to his place under the bribe of Godiva and free lunch. Besides the entertainment of Ki, SB and the Squid.  So after dropping by the house I grab clothes and toiletries (thank G-ds that Squids bathroom is clean) and drive up to N. Ga (well almost Dac) and end up taking the defunct laptop (which he is working on) and  get cuddled to sleep lazily till 5.30am again. 

Black Friday…
5.30..groan…sleep… wake again at 6a to people being way too chipper for such an ungodly hour.  Load into the Chuluthu-mobile and head over to Wally World.  At such an early hour it was crowded… eeep.  Latch on to compatriots and keep walking.. I didn’t spend a dime.. yay.  Get out before 7.. head off to the second location,,, Fryes

Oh yes I do love that store, found a monitor for the ‘rents for $100 after the rebate and they were going to pay me back.  19 inches and LCD, gank! They had been talking about a new monitor for their ‘puter since it was starting to go downhill.  I would love to have a couple of hundred to spend.  Okay a few grand…<3 Fryes.

Microcenter had a line out the door, skip…

Best Buy.. not that grand, no deals.. run away

Mall of GA… hahaha.. GODIVA, LINDT and happy happy coffee..  A few things purchased by the others but not me.. I hadn’t been paid yet either.  So eventually I have to brave the mall again and purchase those goodies.  But at least my Godiva pilgrimage is over for the year.

Okay I do adore Godiva on special occasions.. I only allow myself 2 times a year.. my birthday and Christmas season for a single truffle (Strawberry at Xmas and Cappuccino at birth) before having to turn myself away.  Another place that is dangerous for a Sabra.  She could be endangered if left alone in a Godiva store.   (Fat and lacking rent money)

So after that the gang and I go back to Squids we part ways, me going to the house for more sleep, picking up the Red Headed Step Child’s b-day gift (Green Tea Liquer) then going to Austell for the drop by RHSC’s gift giving and then to La Cucaracha’s party.   

I should quit drinking, been getting way too drunk recently, the Irish came out again.  I have pictures which will be coming ASAP..

I crashed at Justin’s house (again more details later) then started back to the house.  I ended up getting home and just hanging out since I had a headache (No, not a hangover, didn’t start until after I had lunch with Justin & Co.) and skipped out on heading north again.

This week coming up next…

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