Donnelly Commmunications, Inc Discriminates

Well the weekend didnt go as I had hoped.  Friday was Bridge and with a little internal drama I didnt go away the happiest camper in the world.  A little respect please, at least if you give a hoot about how it appears when you seem to be fawning over one over another.

Anyways I visited friends and had a lot of hugs and some kisses which made me feel a little better.  I still swear my middle finger is up for an Oscar.  But that aside it has not been a total waste of time, the potato salad was too delicious for words.

But I go to work on Sunday, the first day that I have felt up to par since the LP and no longer popping Percocet like a fiend and Lee, my boss, pulls me into his office where he starts asking how I am feeling, if I believe that my problem was related to stress and how things are in my life in general.

After telling him no, not the stress of the job, it just happens, even Drs dont know what is going on with the headaches, as PTC is a mystery and how I am glad to be back at work he demotes me, citing his concern over my health and stress.

I am royally pissed off but I keep my cool.  I return today and talk tot he Office Manager who also stated it was because of my health I was demoted. 

PURE DISCRIMINATION!!!!  Come to find out they replaced me during my time off with the headache and ensuing pain afterwards without telling me. 

So now another girl has my job and when I stated that I do not want to remain on the phones but have been rejected for other positions on more than one occasion they were basically stating that I will not have any other position with Donnelly Communications. 

I am looking for another job and launching a ADA violations complaint with the GA dept of Labor.  Concidering I know where the files are, they will have hell to deal with.  I hate discrimination no matter the form it takes and this is the last straw with Donnelly.  Basing a demotion on health is a violation. 

I have access to the files still and will continue since they still want to use some of my admin skills I will be making sure about other violations coming to light, as I know they will be gunning for me being NLWC *No Longer With Company" shortly, as I have seen the pattern time and time again.  Plus the fact of my color is not an asset in the office.

Fuck em.

Aside, besides making someone smile, I dont have much to smile about,

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October 8, 2007

Wow. They came out and told you that it was health related? That doesn’t seem legal, and I think you have a good case on your hands. Sorry you’re going through that. RYN: There’s no question that he was a good parent to me when I was younger. He did a lot for me. There’s also a lot he didn’t do, of course, which led him to the life he has today. I’ll help him out and we’ll see where it goes.

October 8, 2007

Ryn- Lol. 😉 Hugs.

October 10, 2007

good for you! give ’em hell!

October 11, 2007

RYN: She sounded like a angry witch when I listened to the voicemail, but she was a lot calmer and toned-down when I called her back. 🙂

October 11, 2007

Ryn- Yeah tell me about it. Sigh. Glad someone agrees with me. Lol. 🙂 Hugs honey.

October 11, 2007

Sorry about the demotion hun. Comforting Hugs.