Dentists are EVIL

I did it, I went with Mother in tow and saw the Dentist.

Good news, I didnt totally freak out.

And thats where the good news ends.  Points to be remembered

  1.  The dentist didnt do anything besides give a quote on fixing my back teeth, forget about the ones in front.
  2.  The dentist did not want to discuss any alternative treatments other than what he proposed.
  3.  The dentist didnt even try to comfort me with the price quoted, he just up and left at that point.
  4.  He proposed even after my insurance $7,000 – $25,000 for work just on my back teeth

My points at the begining…

  • I went because a cavity growing between my 2 front teeth is bothering me
  • I was scared and answered why I was so frightened in part was cost
  • I revealed my income and well.. one of those figures up there is more than my YEARLY income.
  • I would mention an alternative and it was turned down flat each time
  • This dentist did no cleaning, no work whatsoever save to look at the X-rays and give me his estimate

I think I will be going for a second opinion and after speaking to the MaDScientist whose uncle is a dentist report this dentists behavior to the insurance company.

I did go to poker and placed 2nd.  Someday I will get better at heads up… someday

I have decided my next big purchase save for linens and all that will be an iPod or a game console.. not like I dont get enough entertainment at home with the puter.. but I want to try something new…

I am already hinting to the ‘rent for b-day or Xmas a new puter.. heh.. depending on cost that my trump iPod or game thing..

At least I dont go to work till 11.30 in the morning..

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February 22, 2007

dentists ARE evil, you know, some of them are just like the guy mentioned above, and they really shouldnt be in the business if they arent ‘people peopple’ considering the dentist is someone ALOT of people dont like going to, they can at least try. what an arsehole… best of luck to you… gamecube is fun!! but the games are way pricey 🙁 <3

February 22, 2007

Best Wishes!

February 22, 2007

that’s awful. I hope the 2nd opinion is better. That’s the great thing about drs, there is always someone out there to contradict the first one!

February 23, 2007

bleh I hate the dentist….take care.