Cupcakes, Sushi, Guitar Hero 3

I keep updating on Tuesday’s strange at that.  Seems that my hints have worked out and that will be good.

Seems that I will be going to bat for everyone at Donnelly that has been shortchanged.  In speaking with one of my co-workers she mentioned the prevelance of racism that keeps cropping up at the job.  She is Black and was asking why there are so few people of lesser melanin at the office. 

Friday was the usual Bridge game where cupcakes were a hit and now the Bridge Boys are asking me to bake more often.  Great.. I need an apron now. 

Saturday I ended up watching the GA vs FLA game with Zatara and Flakes, dining on sushi and sake until the game was over.  Raw fish is great, I wish I could have it more often.  That ans with Ohio State winning it was good for the football fans of my circle. 

So Sunday was boring and all I did was work and sleep.  Sleep is good

Monday was visiting with MTS playing Guitar Hero III, and I think he just wanted to get through it so he can graduate to hard and see what all can be purchased in the "Store"  Medium seems harder on this one but I was just grateful to spend some time with Him and feel safe, for some reason in his arms.  Dont know why I trust him the way I do but it seems to be something that happens.  No reason to trust him to the depth that I do but I find myself confiding in him the deep dark secrets.   Too bad we cant have REAL alone time, as the circumstances prevent that at the moment.  Gods part of me just wants to get a hotel room and drag him by the hair of the head.

I know, I am a slut, wanting MTS and being with MS.  They know about each other and being a safety nazi sometimes works in my favor.  I wish that I had the monogamous brain but it doesnt work. 

Le sigh**

Well, a Blessed Samhain to all..

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October 31, 2007
