Call me curious

I spent some time with something that I havent touched in almost a year.. Tarot.

Yes I am quite accurate (as you can get with a bunch of cards) with them when the situation calls and tonight I will give you a sample of 3 readings I took for myself..

The card  at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Eight of Swords (Interference)  reversed: Learning a valuable lesson from the unexpected consequences of prior decisions. Narrowly escaping criticism, censure, and the imposition of external restrictions. Focusing on the crux of a problem and freeing oneself from a difficult situation. Coming to grips with a past failure or humiliation and moving on.
                     (As I am ending {well think I am] ending a perspective relationship, I take this as a good sign since I know that the former suitor would have brought down some recriminations)

The card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way – it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Four of Wands (Completion), reversed: Squandering a great and hard won victory through decadence and laziness. Failing to reward those truly responsible for an achievement. Using past accomplishments as an excuse to ignore current problems. Abandoning the very qualities that brought about initial success.
                   (Well take a look at my non existent bank account and tell me how that is not true… I am broke and trying to figure out a budget as we speak and still live.  On the personal side maybe I have been too focused on the me rather than the them factor.. dont know here.. hell what do I know?  I am obsessing over my problems rather than looking for ways to destress…. ugh.. confused)

The card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Seven of Pentacles (Assessment): A pause to check on the progress of your labors. Making difficult financial decisions. Exercising patience and perseverance. Evaluating the status of your work and your options for the future.
                  (Here I see stagnation, something that I feel is all too prevelant.   I have been patient with everyone save myself… )

The card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. Eight of Cups (Indolence),reversed: The realization that a matter thought to be important was actually of little consequence. Moving on from something in which you had invested great love and devotion. The start of an inner journey to find higher aspects of life. Reflection on what is truly fulfilling in life.
                (Does this mean I am doing something right?  I do not feel I am and well.. yeah its still confusing.  I tend to see this as growth, moving on but lacking direction since life is not fulfilling at this point.  Okay I admit it I am scared of being loved and loving but part of me wants it without pressure and playing second fiddle to another woman.)

The card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. The Magician: Mastery over word, mind, and matter. The ability to turn ideas into actions, handle problems, and control one’s life. The initiation of new projects, great works, or a new way of life. Eloquent and moving communication. Arcane and eldritch technologies.
             (Do I really want to leave the ability to handle problems.. this scares me)

The card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. Ace of Swords: The seed of victory – perhaps as yet unseen. A challenge to be met and solved through the invocation of force. An opportunity to bring reason and intelligence to bear in the pursuit of justice and truth. An excessive power that must not be abused. May suggest new ideas or information that can reveal a solution to the problem at hand.

The card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Queen of Wands: The essence of fire behaving as water, such as a rainbow: The natural embodiment of passion and sensuality, who is always the center of attention. One who reflects the desires and ambitions of others, and ignites them. A radiantly vital person, cocky and charismatic, who sees what she wants and goes after it.
               (This can not be me.. .I dislike being the centre of attention, I do not think I am passionate and sensual.  I do admit to being a sexual person at times.  Ask people if I try to stand in the spotlight or be moving it.. you get teh answer… what I wish I could be sometimes)

The card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Six of Swords (Science), when reversed: Conceit and intellectual pride. Being stuck in a problem which has no apparent solution. Frustration and anxiety that are left unsettled. Travel and exploration are delayed.
               (Or my love life?)

The card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. The Hanged Man: Pausing to reflect. Surrendering to an experience. Adjusting to new ideas through sacrifice. Opening oneself to intuition and enhanced awareness. Letting go of past patterns and growing beyond them. Inner peace, faith, and serenity.
             (Again I have stagnation.. lovely)

The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. The High Priestess: A pure, exalted and gracious influence. Education, knowledge, wisdom, and esoteric teachings. The forces of nature. Intuition, foresight, and spiritual revelation of the most mysterious and arcane sort.
                    (I can only hope)

Others with more specific questions were not so nice.. like this one..

I’m afraid of so many things.. I want peace and quiet and serenity.

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