Black Veil & Miss Manners con’t

40. Since it will be the last thing they would  expect, I will hire a Mafia hit team to take out the Hero and his friends.  Let’s see the  crucifix protect them from an hail of gunfire.
(They are already on my payroll…)
 41. All villagers will be encouraged to send their  children to the  schools I will secretly finance. After a few years of modern education they will dismiss the legends told by their grandparents, several of which will undoubtably be ways to destroy me.
(Pedophile.. are you Anastasio?)

 42. I will ignore all attempts to appeal to my former sense of humanity. I don’t have any. That is why it is former.
(Thats not too hard.. the living are kinda icky with the exchanges of bodily fluids and all.. )

 43. I will remind myself that I am immortal, not indestructible.
(This is why being a possesser or astral is handy)

 44. All concubines will save the loose, transparent flowing silk dresses for special occasions. I’m a modern sort of guy or girl so I like a wo/man in leather, which provides more protection so they last longer in a fight.
(Plus its way hotter)

 45. Although firearms are useless against me and the concubines they work quite effectively on the Hero and his friends. Therefore all concubines will be armed and taught to shoot. They will use hand and fang in attack only as a last resort.
(Can I get an AMEN?)

 46. All bodies of former meals will be destroyed in a manner which will make the absence of blood and presence of bite marks impossible to identify.
(Just call the local Giovanni.. 555-DEAD)

 47. I will not send bodies or parts thereof of former friends, relatives, mentors or lovers to the Hero in order to  demonstrate my complete mastery over life and death.
(They were lunch and given to the Giovanni.. what gives?  Pictures are worth a thousand words)

 48. I will not demonstrate knowledge inappropriate for someone of my apparent age.
(In other words I will act like a Toreador.. I mean a brainless twit)
49. I will not begin a vendetta against someone who has destroyed a fellow vampire that I was fond of. They have clearly demonstrated they have the ability to destroy me. I’ll off them when I have the chance, not make it my life’s work.
(Thats also because I am your father, Luke)
 50. As cute as the Slayer is, there are other girls just as cute who are not capable of destroying me.
(And the witch is way hotter)
 51. More vampires means lower prey ratio: I will carefully consider if I really want more of us running around.
(Talk to the Prince, he’ll set you straight.. I mean right)

Beside my ramblings here I did go to work today from 2-7pm, making up at least 5 hours so my paycheck may not completely suck ass.  It will but what can I do except try to go in again Sat for a couple more hours?  Ugh, what to do.. ask and see so that I can afford to keep playing poker.  Yes, its a free game but there is dinner and gas to think about as well.

Finally was able to give Blood his Christmas pressie and the smile was worth all the BS it took to get it in.  I was impressed at seeing the whole thing.  I like..

Poker was alright, could have been better with one of two things and one would have been winning and I busted out at 3rd.  Bummer.  The other, well, I am writing instead. 

Tomorrow is work, 10 – 6.30 then at 8 having sushi with Flakes, Scyllacat, Graybeard and BP from work.  Have invited Blood and Jim but they are doubtful so far.  After that is Relapse and without Billy, Matt, Kim or Jared it will be a bit strange.  Flakes wants me to go up on stage (stah.. ge) and do a set but I am not that good with set up and brobably get the light after 3 minutes, but with the idea of an all girl night it has possibilities.  They already know me there since I am the heckler.

Decisions decisions and I still dont want to go to sleep.  But I have expended over 30.000 characters once tonight so I should bid you all adieu..

Sweet dreams!

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