A kinda real update…

I should have been writing more but I haven’t had the energy and/or time recently. 

The weekend of Easter I went down to see the MAdScientist.  He is a dear and well sometimes a bit moody.  Because of his normal schedule we didn’t spend too much time alone.  He mentioned he is dating a couple of new people and that doesn’t bother me much, I know he is not the kind to settle down at the moment.  Perhaps in time he will.    My only worry was that when I was there she may have shown up (this was at the Improv show) and not knowing what he has said would not know exactly how to act.

Anyways, on Friday he decided that we would go to Frolicon, as he wanted to anyways but the caveat was that he was going to bring Ayla (good as a name as any since that is what she placed on her badge) whom he has also been seeing for the time being.  Now Ayla is engaged in an open relationship, again no bother for me but an ounce of relief that I should be unworried about his attention with me wandering too much.    WE were in the lab working with some yeast samples for his thesis when he tells me all this.  I explained that he was welcome to have some fun since I could not afford it.  This is when he tells me that its on him since Easter Sunday was his birthday.  I was a little surprised.

So on Friday night we headed to Wolfram’s house, which is an hour and a half away instead of leaving from his house since it would have required waking up at about 6.30 am.   Instead he proposes we leave and go to Wolframs for the more sleep factor.  This did not go well.  We ended up leaving the lab at 1.30am and then to his house to pack then leave again for Wolframs at about 2.30.  Once we get to Wolframs its 4.00am and we have to be up at about 7.30.  Good one.. really.  Wolfram is a dear and we had a few laughs before sleeping about 5am. 

Up again at 7.30 (well 7.45) and its a mad dash, him to pick up Ayla and me to my house for the shower and changing into ‘con-worthy clothing’ ™.  The MAdScientist was late when he was in the shower I took time to help Ayla with her readiness, letting her borrow a skirt and a top to match what she was wearing.  As for myself it was the normal garb that I wear to AIT.. skirt, top, corset… the usual for me.. I wish I could dress like that everyday. 

We three didn’t get to the hotel for the Con until after 10am and thankfully didnt miss much.  I went ahead to the "So you wanna make porn?" panel and re-connected with Mike, Gonzo and Scooter.  Ayla found me after the panel as we were heading up to their hotel room for a smoke.  I am hoping my resume and enthusiasm will convince Mike to let me in on some of his up-coming shoots for Southern Bukkake.  No, not as an actress but behind the scenes.  Its good money, I am a chick so therefore a commodity.  Yeah.. thinking business rather than what it would be like to be a real director.  After a while me and Ayla left again to explore see what was interesting when I saw Domabee and his girl.  I wanted to avoid him as much as possible so we did duck into the Artists exhibit.    Domabee did find me but didn’t say anything to my hearts relief.    Afterwards we met some interesting people, and then MS found us again and went to a needleplay exhibition.  It intrigued me and at the end we were invited to try our own hands at this sensual art.  Ayla had MS do her then we ran out of time.  Agreeing that we would have another chance to try after 8pm. 

After 9 we did wander down to the dungeon and I was the first to try it.  I have to say it was amazing, I dont know how to describe it other than amazing, everything being centered and sated.  I felt whole and completely blissful.  There is eroticism with needles in the skin, its like nothing I have ever felt before.

I went back to work, survived and went to AIT last night.  Labeled in character as a SHREW at that.. not that I mind.  Afterwards before getting coffee we spend a few minutes in private as a couple.  I think not to keep anything there a secret anymore.  I will not reveal things  but its fairly well established that MS and I are together.  WE do not flaunt it per se but we don’t hide either.  With Bryn not coming anymore we are not as discreet as we were before.  I don’t mind at all. 

But I did speak to a new person at the game and have since received a wonderful email. I did reveal how I am and still  I hope to hear from them again soon.  My talk apparently didn’t phase them.

I quote…

"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed talking to you tonight.
I am really shy and I have trouble talking to people, but it came so easily with you.
You’re very easy to talk to.
And (forgive me if I’m being too forward by saying this) you’re very pretty, too.
When I got to the Arts Exchange tonight and saw you I was in Awe.
You looked great tonight in your skirt, corset and that blouse.
You are a really cool chick.
We have a lot in common and I think that’s awesome.
I hope we can get to know each other better.
(Once again, forgive me if I’m being too forward) I have to tell you, when you kissed me on the cheek
     I liked it a lot.
Never got that kind of feeling from a kiss on the cheek."

I have already written back, lets see where this leads….

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April 17, 2007

interesting – I learn more about you all the time 🙂

April 19, 2007

Hi 🙂 ♥