
I am being strange.. showing off my pictures sometimes.  I like my photography and once the Bird is running decently I have a couple of places picked out to take some shots.

I need to clean, gods know that havent done any real cleaning in a week, just some picking up here and there.  When I talked to Kander last night (Kander is my ex husband) I mentioned that I am still having a hard time with my head.  He has now actually offered for me to go to the VA with him since I am still technically his wife.  It still makes me uneasy but has been easier than trying to find a Dr here.

Tonight shall be AIT and I dont know if I am looking forward to it as my date from the other week will be there, at least in theory.  I hope he doesnt make it.  Either way I will go home with someone even if its just a ride.  Hell just piss him off by laying one on Feral or the MaDScientist would probably be enough.  I can move on fast to ya know?  I know I can not do the same with the other, as I think AT would not be appreciative and well HE would think it was trashy. 

I am debating sleep at the moment, I have so much to do before game.  Never heard back from the MaDScientist so dont know if I am driving or not.  I need to clean my fricking house.  I need money!

Okay I am out of here for the time…. too much on my mind.. not good.


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July 8, 2006

Thanks for your words. You’re right about cancer treatments vs. the ultrasound. I’ll take the latter anyday. -L- I’ll give you the same advice a wise person gave me…enjoy today, and that includes tonight when you go out. If nothing else, enjoy getting in a little dig at someone who did you wrong. -L- I love your pictures! You have a wonderful eye. I envy you your talent