
Oh yay I am here.. sleeping like a fiend most days then taking like two days of irrepressible energy.  I am not going to argue for the moment.

I have been spending time well lots of time with Saran.  He earned the name in the beginning of the dateship so it sticks but he has improved muchly over time.  He is getting through the eeps that I have in being a private person.  And it takes time for me to open up.  He still has yet to discover some of the real me in there, I dont know if he will ever see that. 

Crucius, my dear friend ws over at Sarans when I was over and it came up that Saran and I have not had sex.  I wish I had a picture of his face at that point before he blurted out "WHY???  Why the f*ck havent you???" Needless to say much of it was the explination that I like to be friends first and the time was not right, my brain ws not right and that is was not really a lack of desire but tempered with self respect.

Gods know I am horny.. 3 months celibate isnt good for a Sabra.

Crier, as I have now deemed her (As in the perosn who cries wolf) is not on my good side again.   Too many times she has taken my time with Saran and turned it into her little pity fest and that means crying wolf again about suicide.  I have spent time to try and understand being as she is mentally on the same page as I sometimes.  But this is ridiclious "Blood isnt returning my texts so I need to commit suicide" and then engaging on destructive personal behavior.

Blood is my best friend, deal chicka, but my world doesnt rise and set on either him, the MAdScientist or Saran.  I am my own person.

And here it was Crier and Saran doing the webcam shows.   Oy vey, but its their friendship, not my real business.  Although Crier is an attractive woman physically I can not stomach her personally so I will stay away from that.  But at least Saran got internet access because of it.

And this weekend I will be at Duckstock with my beautiful MAdScientist.  The celibacy will end and I will have a good time.

my madscientist.. in character as anastasio fellini (ait)


Lovely lovely




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April 22, 2008

3 months, huh. I’ve had to go longer. Hang in there. 🙂 RYN: To me, if the girl was even remotely attractive, some positive physical description would have been used in the first 3 adjectives about her. But I got “nice”, “nice” and “nice.” Not a good sign. 🙂

April 28, 2008

RYN: Well, for now it’s not at all annoying, since the baby’s so small. In a month or two… I will probably be sick of it. Especially if this one has the same kicking power its father did when he was in utero.