
As of yesterday Donnelly has done the impossible, making me laugh at a serious correlation between the movie Office Space and its a little scarey.

So, I head to work and about noon or so I get an email.  Now, granted that the work email is all mass and for all employees to see it was even funnier.    (I cant forward to here so I will quote as best I can)

Sub:  Missing Stapler

My stapler is missing in action.

Now, I am a geek and have seen the movie.  All I could ask my co-worker was "It is a red swingline?" 
At this point all hope was lost in my area of the office. 
I swear if I liked the company I would present this employee (an Account Exec at that) with a Red Swingline Stapler.

So today kind of trumped the last day..

It is my one year anniversery at Donnelly

I go to work happy lil clam (not) but I am getting though things when I get a call from the Shift Super (Call him Lee) and I wander off to his ofice wondering if today, of all days, my anniversery date is when I get fired because well, we are still on the firing binge.

So I come in and Lee asks me to sit.. uh oh.. and I do.  At this point he brings out my numbers and states he was listening to my last call.  Not a biggie really it was a simple little Country House order and I gamely shrug.  He goes over my numbers and states they are fine but he has to place me on notice since I have a few tardies.. heh..
My reaction was instantanious.. as I figured this isnt the firing stage "So I can kiss my year raise goodbye?"

Lee tilts his head like the RCA dog and asks when I started

"A year ago today"

Lee "Are you shittin me?"


he goes on stating that no, I dont kiss it good bye as he is going to reccommend a $1.00 raise per hour.

Yay!  Its a start, at least a bill covered without sweating.

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February 7, 2007

Good going on the raise…what exactly do you do there?

February 7, 2007

fantastic! how wild. way to keep you on pins and needles.