what to do when a prego chick wants to kick us ass
*knock knock*
*answer door*
"why the FUCK were you talking to my husband!!?!!"
"who is your husband?"
"are you fucking my husband?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"no. we were just talking."
"about what"
"he came over to say hi and we were just talking."
"I know someone in this complex if fucking my fucking husband, you sure it isn’t you???"
"no, I am not fucking your husband. I am new in this complex, we have just talked a few times. I am not interested in him, he is just someone I have considered being friends with."
"is he trying to get with you? he fucks around I have 3 of his kids and I am pregnant with his baby and last time he said he was at work and he was off fuking some chick at her house!"
"he asked me to go out sometime, but I am not interested in him, I thought it would be as friends. I didn’t know he was married."
"he didn’t tell you?"
"no sweetie, and I didn’t ask. I’m sorry but I am not interested in him"
"have you seen him with any other women here?"
"no, the only person I have seen him with is some guy he said he worked with."
"do you have his number?"
"does he have yours?"
"you better tear it up or lose it or something. has he been in your apartment?"
"anything else he did?"
"he took a picture of me with his camara phone – but it was just out there" *points to common smoking area*
"why did he leave?"
"he said he had to bring his mom to work"
"that’s fucking bullshit his mom drives herself to work."
*Calls Allen* "Why the fuck are you trying to get with this girl??? Why the fuck do you have her number and lied to me about talking to her???" ***assumes he hangs up on her***
Yeah so – she said her peace and ended up leaving because her kids were in the car. WTF! I don’t need that drama…I wasn’t even interested in him like that.
Fast forward to 0400…my phone rings…OH YES IT WAS HIM!!!!!!!!! THE BOY IS CRAZY!
I didn’t answer for a few reasons…the first because I really don’t care to talk to him but also what if it was the crazy chick again…NO WAY!
It was him though – he left a message asking if the incident had meant I didn’t want to be friends still and I should call him yada yada. RIGHT BUDDY! Unless (and even probably NOT then) his prego wife comes knocking on my door telling me she is cool with us hanging out – I don’t even want to have a conversation with him!