spilling over with good news

I so don’t have time to be writing in here right now….but it helps me procratinate!  From what you ask….MOVING!!!


YAY!!!  Morgan was okay with me moving out so soon, she did go in to a side conversation about all her debt piling up and how she wasn’t sure how to get out from it…yada yada yada.  She should have thought about that a few weeks ago when $350 a month wasn’t good enough for her.  How does $0 strike you.  Evil Ryanne, evil.  So I go the keys yesterday.  I have already moved in all my kitchen stuff and set it up.  I am supposed to be doing everything else less the big furniture today….but I am so procrastinating.  I need to get it done though so I can go out on the town tonight and so Mike and Dawn can help me move stuff tomorrow.  I found a small studio….small people, very small….the model even seemed bigger then the one I am in.  I think it is mostly the layout of the one I am in, it is opposite then the model and my stuff isn’t going to fit so well in it.  I’m not too concerned.  I just want my own place occupied by me, myself, and I….and the occasional guest the me, myself or I invites!  YAY!

Accident: 01/01/05 around 0230 – weeks off work in pain at the drs doing physical therapy lasting pain still from it from time to time.  Settlement: 12/29/05 – damages to my car plus $8500 ($4500 to the drs office.)  Bottom line, it has been a year (it’ll be over a year when I get my check next week) but I finally got my money.  There isn’t much me money in the sense that a lot of the $4000 in my pocket is reimbusement from paid bills, copays, lost time at work.  But at this point it is $4000 in my pocket!  I am so excited!!!  I own $3500 on my car…I can pay it off….but I’ll probably just put $2000 towards principle (which may not matter because I don’t know if the interest was front loaded or not…if it was I probably paid the interest off a few years ago then….but then I can pay double payments for a couple months and have my car paid of in 3-5 months rather then in 9 months!  I don’t want to pay it all off yet because I want some money in my savings for a rainy day.  I am so excited.  I also need to see if my medical insurance will pay any of the $4500 I owe to the drs, because everything they pay is that much more for me!  I am so hopeful and excited!!!!!!!!!!!

I get to add a "registered guest" to my flight benefits…and I chose Elle.  That means she and I can fly together everywhere.  She’ll be taxed out of my check at $10-20 each time…more if we go internationally.  But always less then $100.  We talked about Mexico (where she lived for a year in high school) Rome, Bermuda (to stay with her friend Chloe) and tons of day trips in the US to places we’ve never been but want to go to for lunch.  She and I are going to have a blast.  She and her boyfriend just broke up this week…nearly 3 years!  Damn the boys!  So single girls meet the world together!  YAY!

Bailey and I are still the same.  Although, I was at his house Thursday night…..oye vay!  We had the most amazing sex we, I, have ever had!!!  He helped fulfill some bondage fantasies in a spontanious way not using any props.  I could probably masterbate to that night with him for the rest of my life.  I have never felt so amazing ever!  Just one more night to be beaten!  We had gone to lunch together earlier that day and I told him about Elle and Joe breaking up.  I said to him, I couldn’t help myself, that in some ways Joe and Elle are truly different.  They have different views on religion, politics and raising kids.  The kids part to the point where Joe says he doesn’t think if you adopt a kid you are a mom.  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW….like Bailey said you may be able to get away with that to a complete stranger, but not to your girlfriend who has 5 adopted brothers and sisters….not to your girlfriend who has made it expressly clear for 3 years that if/when she had children she will adopt them.  So yes, they have some serious differences.  But I couldn’t help myself, and added, but maybe they have the "important" things in common like movies and music…maybe they’ll make it after all.  I expanded on that for a bit….he was amused but not entirely comfortable with me saying all that.  HAH!

Okay….must go move so I can shake my thing at the bar tonight….I need to get me a new years kiss (and that is all I need physically for tonight…kiss.)  Maybe I could repeat new years eve of 2003….flashback to that entry anyone???  Here we are:


"I am horriable with an emphasize on WHORE! *LOL* So Chuck and I got out of work early on New Years Eve. Headed to the usual bar across the street from my house. Started the night off with a picther and shots of jagermeister. That should tell you something about the rest of the night…lol. Dan was supposed to meet up with us, to skip ahead a little he never did show. I didn’t know at the time why not so I left many beligerent messages on his voicemail, but he is forgiven…mostly because I had such a great time and wouldn’t have been able to juggle him into my night. He did have good reasons though. So Chuck and I are starting on the next round, more shots and another pitcher when Antonio from work shows up. I recognize his roomate, Monte, but didn’t know the rest of the gang. I ran up and gave Monte a hug and then one to Antonio exclaiming my elated surprise for them being there. I turn around and this guy that was with them gave me a hug and laughed, saying something to the effect of feeling left out of the hugs. He introduced himself as Adam, Anotonio and Monte’s other roomate. I shook hands and met their other friends who seemed all very nice. Chuck and I joined the gang at a pool table. Adam and I hit it off right away. After somre more beer and shots I ended up around the corner with Adam making out and displaying my nipple rings. Oye Vay…that was the beginning of a great night. At midnight I kissed Chuck..and then Adam…and then Chuck. Chuck didn’t quite know where I kept disappearing to. Towards the end of the night Adam met me at my car and we made out in the car for awhile. Half my clothes were off and I felt like I was in high school parking because we couldn’t have sex with out parents home. I was too tipsy to manouver sex in a well lit busy parking lot of the bar…although it would have been fun. After 15 minutes I insisted we go back in and find people before they came looking for us. After the bar closed brought Adam home and he tried to get me to go inside with him but I had to go to Chuck’s house. I promised I’d call him on Sunday when I got back from Cleveland. I got to Chuck’s house and we were downstairs when my phone rang. It was Adam, he must have gotten my number from Antonio, he wanted to know if I was ready to come over. I told him I couldn’t and told him to hold on as I had another

call coming in. It was my Javier who was just getting off of work and wishing me a good New Year! I only wish I could have had Javi then mmmmm…BAD lol! I was so trashed I decided not to go back to Adam’s call and hung up. He kept calling and I just didn’t answer. Too funny. Chuck and I went at it for awhile but man those shots kicked my ass and I was too gone for sex….that is PATHETIC! So I passed out and woke up at 0730 when my dad called. Lucky he called because in my midnight stupor I set my alarm for 1100 and my flight was due to depart at 1010. I got up went home, showered, packed (procrasinater I am had not packed yet!) Then Chuck called he hadn’t heard me leave and he met me at my apartment to bring me to the airport. Although we really didn’t have time we managed time for sex before he brought me to the airport. BAD RYANNE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! But sooooo much fun."

Okay hope everyone is having fun!  Have a great night ringing in 2006!  Hopefully there will be fab updates to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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December 31, 2005

Have fun moving (or as fun as moving can be)… I’m happy for you… We are just sitting home tonight with steve’s brother and a few other friends… I have to finsh reading your entry have fun and have a safe new year…