my check came! and I am going to the Philippines!

Wow, I have so much going on…I will highlight.


My check finally came…a year and 17 days after my accident….yay!  It has been a pain to get the check, but I finally have it.


My big thing I am going to do with the check is go to the Philippines.  My friend Reyanne has family there and she will be there for a month.  She leaves tomorrow….I leave on Tuesday to meet her there.  I will be there for about 7-9 days….not sure when exactly I will come back.  I am so psyched to go though!  I am going to make time to tour the call center we have there (and straigten them out too!)  My friend Joe will be there at the same time…I’ll get to see him too.  I have 18 hrs of flights and an 8 hour layover….gosh that is the first time I realized I will be traveling for over 24 hrs….how exhausting!  I hope I get upgraded on the 14.5 hr flt!  I will take lots of pictures…yay!


I still may get to go to San Salvador for work in March….fingers crossed!


I have an interview for one of those positions I talked about in Nov/Dec – it is tomorrow!  Yikes…I really want this job.  Wish me luck!  I am doing my laundry and preparing tonight.


I am trying to plan a surprise bday party for my friend Elle – Feb 3rd or 4th.  I meet with the banquet manager of a nice restaurant tomorrow to try to plan it.  That meeting is before my interview…long day tomorrow!  There are 3 of us planning it – we are planning open bar, appiziters, and I am trying to fly some of her friends out here that live away.  I hope it is big, amazing, and a surprise! I will be so sad if we can’t pull it off.  Ash and I are meeting up at the restaurant around 1045 to try to work it out.  Once I find out the date and place tomorrow I have to do all the invitations (about 40) tomorrow – deliver some to her work on Friday when I know she is off – and get the rest mailed out before I leave.  They will have to RSVP me while I am gone – since Ash lives with her and Joe is with her a lot – I don’t want them to have to field the calls when she may be with them.  I should try to get all decorations, disposable table cameras, menu items, etc done before I leave.  I don’t plan on being back until the 1st or 2nd…and that is cutting it close if we have it on the 3rd.  I am very excited to be doing this.

I need to go buy my tickets for the flight tomorrow – and if Lauren will firm up plans, I will buy her ticket for her to fly out when I buy mine.

So much to do…I still have to pack and plan and do and work…ewww I still have to work!

I moved into my new apt….it is going alright…although not nearly all unpacked.

Bailey and I have seen each other everday this week….things are the same as usual.  Nothing grand changed. 

Someone at work died yesterday from a flesh eating virus….they were at work monday – in ICU Tuesday and died as soon as they got to ICU.  Work clinic dr says we shouldn’t be concerned….but I am a little.  Anyone know anything about flesh eating viruses????

I’ll update more later…got to change the laundry over.

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January 18, 2006